♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat Zayden couldn't help but place a smile upon his face when Amelia called out his nickname. He had to admit ZayZay was a waaaaaaaaay better nickname than Zadeypooh, which his sisters had given him oh-so many years ago. In all honesty, he loathed Zadeypooh. It reminded him of that muggle show... erm, what was it called? Pennie the Pooh? Did he LOOK like a bear? "Miakins," he called back out with the same ethusiasm. "It looks... like your bathing with the ducks but, let me tell you, it's not wise to bath in that water. The ducks do pee in there." He was just saying.
The Slytherin settled down in the patch of grass now near the edge of the water just as his girlfriend mentioned that he should get in there. "Ducks don't like me," he replied. "Neither do most animals." Especially his cat. "I think I'd just rather sit here and watch you play." Amelia gave a bigger splash now, and got her skirt soaked with water, but she supposed it was okay because her clothes would end up drying and she could use magic if she was really in a hurry. "Zayden, why do you have t be such a party pooper?" ^_____^ You could say that about the ocean and fish peeing in that water. And turtles!
DUCKS ARE CUTE KTHNXBAI.  "I think you waaaaant tooooo." And she started moving towards him now. heh. |