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Oh. Anya scared the girl, didn't she? Poor thing. At least she didn't fall off the staircase, right? That would have been awful.
"Oh." she said looking around. "I suppose I should get used to it then? If things like this happen often." Of course... it would be hard to get used to the ground moving like this.
"Hello Laura. I'm Anya, Anya Phillips. It's a pleasure to meet you." Even if the situation wasn't quite as enjoyable.
"Are you a first year?" she asked. "I am." And she was a little bit desperate to meet someone else her age.
Laura smiled at Anya. "Yeah, I think I should get used to them too." She giggled before looking at the stairs to see where they were going. "There's just one slight problem, do you happen to know which floor we are on?" Laura was really confused now these stairs were like making a maze and it would be by accident if they actually got to the floor they wanted, that if they were heading for a floor.
Laura smiled at Anya. "Hi Anya nice to mee you too." She was happy when Anya said she was a first year. "Yeah I'm in my first year, I'm a Hufflepuff and I just decided I wanted to explore." She wasn't lost and she wanted Anya to know that even though now she probably was lost, it was hard keeping track on all the stairs.