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Eh... She didn't know what he did? Crikes! That meant he got it wrong. Now what should he do? A lie, yes. A good white lie. "A kid, maybe a firstie tripped over my legs when I was stretching. I apologised, but he still ran off crying," that should do it. There wasn't a need to cover too extreme.
Selena blinked in disbelief. OOOOOH. HE MADE A FIRSTIE CRY. He ought to be punished. Nah, Sel wouldn't do that, it was an accident right? Accidents happened all the time in Hogwarts - at least it wasn't intentional. Now
that Sel would probably have to report.
"Okay, shouldn't be mean to the firsties though, are you a firstie? You're awfully tall to be one," Selena said from her
very comfy spot on the couch. Where had Clarke gone!?! WHERE WAS HER CRUPPY?! Eh, she'd find find him later. At least Kent was still there.
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Yeah. She was the prefect. At first Raven thought that she was the first year who found the prefect badge. Then, Raven introduced to her who she was.
"I'm Raven Charlotte, 2nd year already." and taller than you. she just wonder how can she became a prefect, because Raven rarely saw her in class.
Selena nodded.
"Selena Zabini-Riddle, PREFECT, Sixth year," Selena said beaming. AWwwh, look at all the
ickle TALL second years. Merlin's beard, they were all tall. They needed to learn how to SHRINK and be tiny. Like her.
"Were you in Hogwarts last year?" Because Sel never saw her around. So... maybe trans- naaaah.
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Zhenya had just come out of the dorms when she saw two things. First something very shiny, and secondly, her friend Raven.
"Oh, congratulations on becoming prefect! she said. "I'm Zhenya And I'm a second year!"she said.
"Coolios! I'm Selena, Sixth year," Selena said beaming. Because it seemed like this seconder was NICE. Selena liked nice people. Nice people were... well...
"And thank you! If you have any problems feel free to come to me, but if not and you wanna bother someone... don't let me know," Selena said nodding her head. It seemed like GOOD advice, no?