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Old 01-04-2012, 09:03 PM   #28 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 529

Originally Posted by cookiesncupcakes View Post
Yep, his name is Daniel. He graduated last year! Do you have any brothers or sisters? Tahnee asked, leaning forward to avoid sinking completely into the couch.

Suddenly, a new girl joined them. She seemed to know Eliza, but she didn't introduce herself. So, in an effort to make new friends, Tahnee smiled and extended her hand once more. Hi! I'm Tahnee! she said cheerfully.
"No, I'm an only child" she answered. She wondered for a minute what it'd be like having a sibling. It didn't take her long to decide she didn't like the idea, she didn't always like sharing and besides she liked being the apple of her parents eye, even if they didn't always give her that much attention... Either way they gave her money and sent her sweets and that was enough. "Are you a pure blood?" Eliza asked cautiously. She knew it was a touchy subject. She didn't have anything again muggle borns and she tried to make it sound like a general question. She stroked and played with her hair, as she did when she was nervous, but made sure to keep a composed look on her face.
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