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Old 01-04-2012, 08:33 PM   #23 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 529

Originally Posted by cookiesncupcakes View Post
Tahnee relaxed as the girl's tone got gentler. [B]Yes! I was so excited, because my brother was a Slytherin too, and he's told me all these stories about how great it is to be a Slytherin. My mom and dad were both Slytherin as well! So I guess you could say we're a legacy,[B] she said with a giggle. She lay back in the comfy pillows and pulled her legs underneath her, settling in. These couches were a lot more comfortable then she had thought when she first saw them!
"Yeah, my whole family has been in Slytherin, so I really wanted to be. Besides they would kind of kill me if I wasn't." She replied. The sofa was comfy, as it was pretty empty she streched her legs out and laid back, getting comfier. "So your brother was a Slytherin?" she asked.
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