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Old 01-04-2012, 06:03 PM   #8 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Text Cut: Bentleeeeyyy :3
Originally Posted by Hera View Post

Watching Louisa examing her office was rather amusing. Seren simply sat down and enjoyed the moment. Was Louisa looking for something in particular or simply scanningadmirring her space?

What seemed to be a rather curious yes pleasant visit soon turned somewhat awkwward. If she was honest with herself... she saw this coming. Over the last couple of years she'd grown so close to many of the Ravenclaws, and celebrated with them. But it wasn't as if any of that had changed.

Relaxing the frown lines that had formed on her forehead, Seren offered Louisa a soft smile. "Thank you... though I hope you understand that nothing has changed. I'm still the same person I was a year ago... I just have more responsibilities." She wasn't going to shun the Ravenclaws, or the other houses for that matter. Plus, she wasn't the biased type, so the lions wouldn't be receiving any special treatment or attention in classes.

Taking the gift Louisa placed on her desk, Seren removed the lid of the rather colourful box and set it aside. A smile lifted up the corners of her lips, threatening to disappear into her hairline. "Thank you, they're lovely," she said pulling the items out one by one. Really, trully she loved them. On the inside whe was and would always be a Ravenclaw. Standing, Seren held the blue Ravenclaw shirt to her chest, perfect fit!
"I'll be sure to wear this to the next Ravenclaw match... provided it's not against Gryffindor." There was no way she could do that, that would just be rude and.. well rude. No she would be traumatised and neutral during those matches.

If Louisa's smile was small when she stepped into the office, it was large and shining as Bentley spoke of responsibilities. "That's very... refreshing to hear this." Refreshing was a weird word to use but Louisa liked the way that Bentley was up for responsibility rather than... running away from it. Like her mother would do. Hmph.

When the professor opened the box and started taking them out, smiling at them sincerely. A ring rang in Louisa's head. She was still their Bentley! And the T-shirt! SHE WAS GOING TO ATTEND MATCHES! Louisa's smile grew into a grin, "Oh professor! That's so great!" She caught herself from bouncing on her feet and tackling the beautiful woman. "I was afraid you wouldn't cheer for us anymore." And yes, Gryffindor matches were fine. With a chuckle, Lousia nodded, "Yeah, sure. That's understandable."

Taking few enthusiastic steps backward, Louisa asked way more cheerfully than before, "Professor? Do you think people can change? Even after they became... old?" It was totally irrelevant but the girl needed some reliable answer. From someone who lived longer than any of her friends. And wasn't an obnoxious adult. Bentley was the only candidate. She'd hear the answer and leave for classes. The professor probably had to head out too.
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