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How long had she been in her office?
Looking over her shoulder to the door, a slight frown appeared on her face as she set Erma down on one of the chairs. Visitors already? Quite frankly, she half expected it to be one of the staff members. Alas though, after opening the door and peering out into the open waiting area, to her surprise, it was a student.
"Hello." she said with a smile, stepping out from the doorway a little, somewhat concerned. "Is there something you need help vith?"
August hadn't perched on the chair but for a few seconds before the door was propped open and a dark haried woman stepped out, looking at him. Her face was a tad bit suprised but that was to be expected, he had shown up to her office pretty early on the first day back to the Castle.
"Hello Professor, I'm August Goldstein and I was just coming by to welcome you and talk to you about your class this term." he said quickly and nervously. The woman wasn't scary or anything, he just hadn't ever met her before.
"Oh and these are for you!" he said holding out one of the packages of Jumping Gummy Bears he had bought at Sugerplum's while he was in Diagon Alley.