SPOILER!!: Jezzabelle
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Jezz nodded, "Yes I am Jezzabelle, but if you prefer you could call me Jezz. I don't mind either." She carried her plants with up most care into her office. It was beautiful inside and almost reminded her of her bedroom at home, which made her feel more at peace. She took a seat and though about where to begin.
"I am sorry that I had interrupted your meal at the start of term feast. I didn't really want to wait until now because I was so excited and after Kurumi had told me you were the Head of Gryffindor House and the Herbology Professor I knew I just had to meet you, Professor Bentley." After all who better to go to about her lovely plants? They were her world to her, it was a shame she couldn't bring them all.
"Jezz... hhmm which do you prefer?" After all she if one could have a choice, wouldn't they take it? Her eyes were still trailing to the two plants in the young lions arms. Plants always excited her... made her curious. Fingers crossed behind her back, Seren hoped Jezz wasn't going to tell her she hated the subject.. and that she wanted to get rid of the little darlings.
Snapping out of her thoughts, she moved around to her own seat and relaxed in its cushions.
"No need to apologise, I do not see the harm in being enthusiastic... some of the older staff don't seem to agree though," she said with a wink. Yes, she had just called Vindictus old... and he was. Heck he had taught her at school, that in itself made him oldish. But she still respected him, even if he had been a little grumpy that night. She nodded and smiled, indeed she was the school Herbologist and newly appointed Gryffindor Head of House, and for some strange reason that meant she had reached some sort of cool status with the young lion. Brilliant.
SPOILER!!: Louisa
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Magical Soul
With a smile, Louisa walked into the professor's office. Her eyes were widened at the unexpected beauty of it. Instinctively, she looked for anything RED that would indicate the new post of THEIR professor. Nothing outrageously smelled of betrayal so far. Good.
The girl stood at the table and put the colorful present box on it. "
Thank you," she said quietly, observing the cork board.
OH! Is that Hadley? Louisa's smiled widened at this. Hadley did say in her interview with Louisa that Bentley was the closest friend from the staff.
There's nothing really serious," she started fidgeting with her feet. This was the first time that Louisa allowed herself to get into one of the adult's offices and.. express... her.. feelings. She knew that adulthood tweaked people's personality so that they were unreliable but.. Bentley didn't show signs of unreliability, so this was good.
Clearing her throat, Louisa started again, "
I wanted to congratulate you, professor," Even if Louisa was against this whole Mother of the Lions thing, "
About being in the... new position you're in and.." She turned around, held the box out for the Professor to take, "
I brought you something." A lamp, a T-shirt, a pencil, and a mug. The point wasn't about the presents rather than the Ravenclawness of them. Let's see if she abandoned the eagles completely. SUSPICIOUS look was cast at the box and how the professor was going to react to it.
Watching Louisa examing her office was rather amusing. Seren simply sat down and enjoyed the moment. Was Louisa looking for something in particular or simply
scanningadmirring her space?
What seemed to be a rather curious yes pleasant visit soon turned somewhat awkwward. If she was honest with herself... she saw this coming. Over the last couple of years she'd grown so close to many of the Ravenclaws, and celebrated with them. But it wasn't as if any of that had changed.
Relaxing the frown lines that had formed on her forehead, Seren offered Louisa a soft smile.
"Thank you... though I hope you understand that nothing has changed. I'm still the same person I was a year ago... I just have more responsibilities." She wasn't going to shun the Ravenclaws, or the other houses for that matter. Plus, she wasn't the biased type, so the lions wouldn't be receiving any special treatment or attention in classes.
Taking the gift Louisa placed on her desk, Seren removed the lid of the rather colourful box and set it aside. A smile lifted up the corners of her lips, threatening to disappear into her hairline.
"Thank you, they're lovely," she said pulling the items out one by one. Really, trully she loved them. On the inside whe was and would always be a Ravenclaw. Standing, Seren held the blue Ravenclaw shirt to her chest, perfect fit!
"I'll be sure to wear this to the next Ravenclaw match... provided it's not against Gryffindor." There was no way she could do that, that would just be rude and.. well rude. No she would be traumatised and neutral during those matches.
SPOILER!!: Beatrice
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"Thank you Professor." She said,gave the Professor a warm smile and settled herself on one of the chairs on front of the Professor's table. She missed this ambiance. Yes, she perfectly well did and as well as the Professor who occupied the said office.
"Uhm..Professor Ser--" Swallow. You're not supposed to call her that, she reminded herself. "err..Professor Bentley, congratulations on being the New Head of Gryffindor House." Beatrice said sincerely. Though she found the whole idea not very comforting, she knew that it was best that the Eagles support the Herbology Professor. It won't surely mean that she'd be forgetting about the eagles. Also, as she liked this Professor very much, wherever she was happy, Beezus knew that she would be smiling.
After closing the door behind them, Seren made her way to her desk and perched upon her seat. Why was it that the Ravenclaws seemed to be uncomfortable around her? As if by becoming Gryffindors Head of House she's somehow contracted some incurable disease. Where they coming to mourn?
It must be it right?
Returning Beatrice's smile, Seren raised her eyebrows slighty and leant forward in her seat.
"Thank you," she started, maintaining eye contact,
"I trully appreciate the gesture, but I want you to know, this doesn't change anything. I was a Ravenclaw when I was here at school, and just because I have stepped up to care for Gryffindor, it doesn't mean I care anyless about the other houses... or about you." Because quite frankly, students were students, and they weren't entirely defined by what colour emblem they wore on their robes.
"Please.. feel free to call me Professor Seren, just like you used to. I am still that person.."
Why did they not seem to understand that?