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Selena could HEAR the doubt in the girl's voice. She was the new prefect. Obviously. She had a shiny badge and all that stuff. Well, really all she had was the shiny badge. "Yepperroo, that would be me," Selena said, beaming at her. Prefect Z! Woot. Pure epicalness and all that. "Thank you!" she added. Because it was the NiCE thing to do as an amazing leader.
But... "Who are you?"
Yeah. She was the prefect. At first Raven thought that she was the first year who found the prefect badge. Then, Raven introduced to her who she was.
"I'm Raven Charlotte, 2nd year already." and taller than you. she just wonder how can she became a prefect, because Raven rarely saw her in class.
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With girls started to swarm into the common room, Hades thought where had the boys been to while having the lovely red velvet cupcake his mother baked earlier this morning. It wasn't as warm and fluffy, but it should do it. He looked as he was musing, but it was just an act to avoid another girl. He knew way too many girls already! Unfortunately, it didn't work since there was a girl addressing.
She looked very young. Hades bet she was between eleven to thirteen years of age. "Mhm," he replied at the same time chewing the cupcake. "Fourth year transferee, Hades Vaughn," answered he fully after swallowing the tiny bite of cupcake he took. Oh, he was the transferee student. Raven rarely met any transferee students in her first year.
"Well, Welcome to Hogwarts." said her.
"I'm Raven, second year." she continued, she didn't know whether Hades noticed her, because he was very busy with his fluffly red velvet cake.