Name: Jessie Lynn Weasley
Age: 11
DOB: June 27th
Year in school: First
Wand type:Holly, Kelpie hair core, 12.6 inches long, slightly bendy
Physical Appearance: Jessie is short compared to most, but she's very adamant that she's normal height for people her age. She has long, straight red hair, and freckles across her nose. She has green, almond-shaped eyes.
Pet: Baby Snowy Owl, yet to be named
Father: Ronald Fred Weasley, was in Gryffindor, now works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office of the Ministry for Magic
Mother: Elizabeth Fitzgerald Weasley, muggle, is currently a school teacher
Hereitage: Half/Half
Nationality: British, born in London, England
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