(Photo from a doll maker available online)
(More photos can be found in my album located in my profile)
Name: Carigan Marie Tanner
Age: 10 (turns 11 in November)
DOB: November 18
Year in School: First year
Wand: 10 3/4 inch Applewood with Hippogriff feather core
Physical Appearance: Standing at 4'9" she is four inches taller than the average first year. Her hair is a beautiful red and descends to her buttocks. It's always styled differently. Her eyes are very small and when she smiled they become mere slits, the blue colour seems to flash from beyond them.
Pet: A Raven named Hamlet
~Hoitt Tanner- Was a Gryffindor at Hogwarts. Now makes and sells Jewelry at a muggle farmers market.
~Lucille Tanner (maiden name Ellis)- Was a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts. Is now a well renowned fortune teller for both magical and non-magical folk. She is known for her accurate predictions.
Siblings: Reagan- her identical twin sister who begged their parents not to come to Hogwarts and got their permission to go to a school in Romania.
Heritage: Pureblood
Nationality: Canadian
Where she lives when not at school: In a log cabin near a small lake that lies deep in the woods. There is a very small town a few miles away.
(OOC: HI!~ my name is Emily, I'm 19, and I live in NB Canada. I have RP'd before on other sites and I also love creating characters. I am an English major at STU (Also in NB) and I would love to RP with you guys
