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"I'm Tayla," Tayla replied. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend. I probably did see you but I don't think we've ever talked, have we? My mind was mostly on...something...last year."
Tayla shrugged. She had spent most of her time at the library trying to figure out the secret of her grandmother's locket. Aside from studying at least. And she still hadn't found out much.
"I'm trying out for the Quidditch team this year. I need more fresh air," Tayla laughed a little. "You? Oh...and, if you don't mind me asking...why did your twin lock herself up?
"No, it's alright. I'm not offended," she said. It took a lot to offend Lilly Deluise. It was very easy to get her to lose her temper. Something. That's what Rose said when she was trying to keep it quiet that their mum had died last year.
"Yeah, me too. I was in the hospital wing for the tryouts last year. Me being clumsy again," Lilly frowned. "Because our mum had died and our dad couldn't look after us so we were going to be put in a muggle orphanage. Then my older sister's best friend's brother was willing to look after us in the holidays. He's a wizard. Violet still stayed in her room," she said, as if it was the simplest thing inthe world.