"Hi there Fat Lady. Nice to see you again," Tayla smiled.
"Well anyway...Angel's trumpet." The portrait swung open and she went inside. Oh how she missed the familiar surroundings of the Gryffindor common room! Looking around, she found she wasn't the first one to arrive. She sat near the fireplace and smiled at the girls sitting nearby.
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george is cool
"Angel's trumpet," Lilly said, entering the Gryffindor common room. Looked like she was the first one there. It was great to be back to Hogwarts. As fun as Rupert's was, Hogwarts was home. She sat in one of the armchairs, Smartie jumping onto her lap. The second-year stroked her kitten, staring into space. What could she get Violet for her Birthday? Would she get on the quiddich team? Not important things like last year's worries. That was horrible. But it turned out not so bad in the end. It didn't stop Violet from locking herself in the Hufflepuff dorm.
"Hi there," Tayla greeted.
"I'm not sure if I've seen you around before. Are you a first year?"
Tayla spent most of her time cooped up in a quiet corner of the library last year, so she barely knew anyone younger than the third years.
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"Angel's Trumpet," Jezz said to the portrait. It swung open and with a tiny tired smile of thanks she walked into her new home. It was beautiful. Nothing like she ever imagined it to be. She took a seat on one of the comfy looking chairs not ready to go and find her bed just yet. It was turning out to be a whole lot better than she ever expected and what she really wanted to do right then was relax.
The other girl Tayla saw kept looking around the dormitory. She recognized the amazement in her eyes.
"This is definitely a first year," she thought.
"Hi! I'm Tayla," she said with a smile.
"What's your name?"