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Old 01-04-2012, 12:18 PM   #11 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Louisa Mary Carter

Date of Birth : Jan - 8th - 2061. (15 years old)
Place of Birth : France.
Nickname : Her three-year-old brother called her (Lou) once and the family held on to it ever since.
Heritage : Half and half.
Year : Fifth year.
D E S C R I P T I O N:
Height: 168 cm.
Weight: 49 Kg.
Eyes: Greyish blue.
Hair: Wavy black hair reaching the middle of her back.
Style: Casual; a pair of jeans and a T-shirt under a jacket. Rarely seen in formal clothes (unless in school) and absolutely not dresses or high heels.
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Louisa is known to be a serious girl, she takes notes of what she reads and tries to learn them by heart so she could tell others about them. She tends to get really annoying while asking so many questions or analyzing others' actions. She is sensitive, ambitious, cowardfaint hearted, naïveeasily fooled and can be funny when she wants to (Not often).
F A M I L Y:
Biological father: Isaac Mikash Carter. (40 yrs old, Wizard)
Stepfather: Jason Noah Kimb. (42 yrs old, Muggle)
Mother: Paulin Kimb. (41 yrs old, Muggle)
Half Brothers: Daniel Drew Kimb.(11 yrs old)
Jonathan Samuel Kimb. (8 yrs old).

Other relatives:Aunt: Gloria Suzan Brown. (52 yrs old, Muggle)
Guardian: Marina Stewart. (28 yrs old, Witch)
F R I E N D S:
R E L A T I O N S H I P:
With João Marcelo Mendonça Nascimento Teixeira Neves.
B I O G R A P H Y:
Paulin, the mother, is skeptical about her daughter's condition of.. you know, being a witch. She didn't like that at all, and tried to call her ex-husband to tell him he had a witch daughter but her efforts were in vain.

Jason, the stepfather, likes Louisa a lot but he has to be careful that she doesn't do anything careless near his two sons. Who knows what those witches and wizards are capable of, anyways?

Life at Hogwarts
SPOILER!!: first year ▽
Louisa met a bunch of new students while she was at Diagon Alley. The most remarkable one was Enya Mayberry, a Ravenclaw who was a year older than Louisa. Enya is known for her rude, impolite and careless attitude toward people. Strangely, Louisa had found that rather appealing as she struggled with her own bitter feelings against Jason, her real father and her mother. She also had gotten a new companion in this world, Kitty. The brownish kitten that showed absolute disobedience and stubbornness turned out to be an annoying pet rather than a friendly companion. Another girl had stepped into Louisa's life,Kita Lewis. The two years older Hufflepuff shared the bookmania with Louisa and they got along right away.

At the sorting ceremony, Louisa had shaky knees but the sorting hat hadn't given her hard time about it. Once Louisa wore the hat and sucked her breath, the ancient thing screamed 'Ravenclaw!'. Louisa had felt satisfied since she learnt that this was the house for bookworms.

It was a unique year in Hogwarts with foreigner students coming from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang schools and professors wanted the students to behave. Louisa and Enya, however, had an argument with two more people causing Enya to lose her temper and start a food fight right in the middle of the Great Hall. Professor Kingsley, Transfiguration professor at that time, came quickly and worked it out. Louisa had tried a cleaning spell to make things better but caused fur to grow on the girl since Louisa had no charms experience whatsoever.

This had taught the young Ravenclaw a lot; not to practice a spell without attending classes, not to mess with Hogwarts professors, and not to listen to Enya.

The girl's first achievement in the wizarding world was to be one of the top five students in her house by collecting about 210 points for her house.

SPOILER!!: second year ▽
Louisa's summer had been quite eventful. After coming to Diagon Alley with Marina and staying at the Leaky Cauldron, the girl had lost her kitten while shopping for books in Flourish & Blotts. Being the stubborn pet Kitty was, Louisa had an idea of luring the kitten with food and she met Vashti Greenwell, her older housemate, at Magical Menagerie store. Both girls went out in the street trying to find the little brownish kitten which led them right into the depth of Knockturn Alley.

There, and deep in the middle of its main street stood Kitty watching them. They'd tried every possible way to get her out of there but all were in vain. Eventually, a man, Atropos Trelawney, appeared from nowhere growled that he didn't like kittens and cursed the little cat with an unforgivable curse. The kitten had passed out there on the street and Louisa was frozen to her spot. Vashti took action, quickly running for the cat and then dragging her friend out of here.

At Hogwarts, Louisa tried to awaken the kitten, which had lost her whispers and tail, in many possible ways. The kitten remained unconscious. All year long, the encounter with the Dark Wizard haunted Louisa as she glanced at her kitten. The twelve years old was already bad at Defense Against The Dark Arts but she had grown more curious about learning it instead of just giving up.

Feeling the urge of sharing and asking this to someone who mattered, Louisa went for the library and searched in the ancient book of Hogwarts students and searched for her father's name. Calculating his school years from his birth date, she found little about him:

Isaac Mikash Carter, Slytherin student (2046 – 2053).
OWLs: Herbology (O), Transfiguration (E), Potions (E), Charms (A), Care of Magical Creatures (O).

NEWTs: Herbology (E), Transfiguration (A), Potions (A), Charms (E), Care of Magical Creatures (E).

Quidditch records: Played chaser in 2049, 2050, 2051, and 2051.

SPOILER!!: third year ▽
The summer of this year held a lot for Louisa. The highlight of her homecoming was that her youngest brothers, Jonathan, was terribly sick and all hospitals failed to know what was wrong with him. Pauline, her mom, had decided to take him to France seeking answers. Jason sent Louisa to stay with his sister, Mrs. Brown, while they all went abroad. The girl had no choice but to accept.

Mrs. Brown, the old-fashioned narrow-minded woman, laid down the law in the house and Louisa had to hide unconscious Kitty from her. It worked up till a week from Louisa's departure for Diagon Alley with Marina when her step-aunt was searching in the girl's room and found the box with the kitten inside. That drove the old lady mad and she grounded Louisa for being careless and irresponsible. Once Marina came, Mrs. Brown started her non-stopping questions about Louisa's 'mysterious' school. Marina handled it very well and she took Louisa out of there. The thirteen years old was forbid from taking the kitten and had to leave her behind.

While shopping for School supplies, Louisa met a first year called Aurora Quinn-Stewart, a potion genius, and both girl had found pre-brewed love potion somewhere. The eleven years old was kind enough to give it to Louisa after explaining how it's used. The potion went right into Louisa's secret hiding and Mrs. Brown was supposed to be her first 'victim'.

On her way to Hogwarts, Louisa first met her to-be best friend Dallin McKinely. The beginning of the term was very exciting especially with the old ship mysteriously appearing in the lake during the summer and the disappearance of some professors. As the classes went on and her attempts to prove herself, Louisa grew a very strong and close friendship with Dallin. The girl even dared to do 'adventurous' things she'd never thought she'd do. The boy was energetic and easy-going that it made it easier for her not to argue or bicker with him.

By the end of this term, a very strong feeling started to blossom in the young girl's stomach when he was around and it wasn't until the very last day of the year, at the End of Term Feast, when Louisa had seen him sitting with someone else and holding their hand. That was what ignited a fire within and caused her to climb into the train the next day very ill and annoyed. He came to ask why she hadn't joined him at the feast and they both had a fairly big fight ended in her telling him to leave her alone.

SPOILER!!: fourth year ▽
The summer was a wreck. He was abroad. She couldn't get him out of her mind. Even when she was invited to a summer party sleepover by Kita Lewis, Louisa spent it talking about him and dreaming that when she got back home to Mrs. Brown's, he might have sent her an owl or called.

He didn't.

In a couple of months, however, Louisa's life took quite a twist when she met Adam Fitzgerald & Joao Neves by coincidence while she roamed Diagon Alley for shopping and in hope of finding a thread of Dallin. Adam, a muggle bron and a transfer student, showed slight interest in her after two weeks of hanging out and shopping with Louisa. The girl, on the other hand, saw none of that attraction due to her big encounter with Dallin which happened at the fountain and in which she apologized and promised not to be weird again.

Joao Neves didn't show attraction at first. On the contrary, he couldn't care less about the girl bumping into him a lot at the leaky cauldron. Eventually, when the carnival settled in, they took a tour over there together and grew closer and friendlier.

Meanwhile, Dallin had a revived relationship with his girlfriend, Ellie Johanson. The couple came across the love-struck girl more than once that summer and in both times Louisa barely kept herself from throwing a tantrum. Confinding in her best friends, Vashti and Adam, they advised her to forget him for there was no way for him to give up his new girlfriend.

The stubborn Ravenclaw couldn't. Maybe even wouldn't believe that her time and emotions were supposed to be a waste of time so she went ahead and tried to talk to Ellie, who very cleverly knew what was going on and tried to stop Louisa from damaging her relationship with Dallin. But she couldn't and the fourth year spilled everything out to the two years older boy only to cause him to go into a trauma phase.

Dallin tried to explain to her that they were only friends and she was a great girl who should find someone else soon but Louisa left him alone in the street and went into a three-day-depression. Seeing Adam and Joao for distraction, the latter being slightly flirty at times which mended her heart wound.

Two days before getting on the express, Joao told her that he was interested in her and would like to be more than just friends. She asked for more time but didn't dismiss the offer, hoping that maybe getting into a relationship with someone else would take her mind off Dallin and Ellie.

Not before she took revenge of course, once the term started, Louisa arranged some pranks and antics on the couple, taking satisfaction at every time Ellie Johanson smelled nasty or Dallin McKinley hicupped for two constant hours - but all of those were not what she desired. She wanted him to exchange her feelings only for once, only for little time. There was only one way to do it; using the love potion she had from last term.

Louisa dropped three drops of the potion into Dallin's goblet of water and the effect was instant, only the result wasn't what the young girl had expected at all. Instead of having a romantic day with the boy she loved, she learned the true story of Ellie Johanson and why she was so stuck to Dallin and warned Louisa not to get involved.

The fourth year felt guilty and bad beyond description and she left the golden opportunity that she herself created to get what she desired from her crush boy. Dallin doesn't remember what exactly happened but he knows of the love potion. They spent months not talking and ignoring each other - well, on Louisa's part anyways, before gradually they started throwing a word here and a greeting there. By the time it was Louisa's fifteenth birthday, she was totally into Joao, the boy who gives her so much so mysteriously. Dallin didn't represent the cool guy who she had to impress or to annoy, he was just a classmate... yet better, a friend.

Or not.

When the sixth year boy learned of Louisa's relationship with Joao, he started acting protective and brotherly. The girl didn't get it though and just assumed they were friends again without the awkwardness.

The end of term was busy with all the exams and Louisa learned that her godmother wouldn't make it to Leaky Cauldron so the girl had to stay at her Aunt's until the end of July where it was time to go to Dallin's place for her one week vacation in Florida. Brazil then for the rest of summer with her boyfriend Joao Neves.

Last edited by Magical Soul; 01-06-2012 at 10:04 PM.
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