SPOILER!!: Gwen & Daichi
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So everything was back to normal?, Gwen thought as she was about to go back to the Common Room. However, she wasn’t sure about one thing- the house elf story… Was it going to continue this year too? And still she didn’t know all the details. And suddenly a baby comes up? And we need to find a name?, she asked herself. Too many questions!, the third year thought and tried to just drop it. But she couldn’t. I want to find out more!
Turning around, Gwen climbed down the stairs and headed over to the Kitchens. Maybe I’ll find someone there… if it is open to students. Finally arriving there, the Ravenclaw opened the door and was surprised to see the Gryffindor Prefect hugging a house elf. ‘Umm… Hi’, Gwendolyn finally said. Maybe I should have come here another time.
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Daichi hadn't forgotten Kurumi's offer to help him with baking a chocolate cake after their last conversation. But as time went by he started to wonder if she had meant those words or if she had just said it to make him feel better for blowing up half of his house kitchen?
There was only one way to found out and that was asking her. The Slytherin had a hunch that the Gryffindor would be somewhere in the kitchens and it was worth the shot to look around. Walking towards the kitchen area, Daichi saw just in time as a girl around his age walked through the door and then the door slammed shut. He tickled the pear and waited before he entered too.
For the record, the Slytherin had never been in the kitchens before. Atleast not that he could remember and he immediately turned to the Ravenclaw. "Thanks for the password~!" he grinned before turning his attention to the Prefect that was....eh...hugging an house elf?
Everyone has their things, he guessed. "KURUMI~~!??" he suddenly shouted, a liittle too loud. "kurumi kurumi did you SEEE?" his eyes widened and his old innocent features came back. "THERE IS A DUCK POND!!" breathe Daichi breeathe. He then turned to the little ravenclaw and waved at her. "Hi, i'm Daichi" he smiled.
Failing to notice that the house elf in her arms was trying to wiggle its way out so that it could return to work, Kurumi turned around when she heard the faint voice of someone greeting her. Judging by her robes, Kurumi knew she was a Ravenclaw, but she also just so happened to know her name due to some yearbook photo editing and layout designs she had worked on last term.
Oh, hello Gwen," Kurumi smiled, deciding that she really should release the elf in her arms. Its eyes all wide with surprise, the house elf spent no extra moment lingering and quickly returned to the task of cleaning the kitchen. "
What brings you to the kitchen?"
But before she could hear any sort of answer from the Ravenclaw, she heard the loud and overexcited voice of someone else. "
Daichi," she smiled before her eyes began bouncing up and down along with the boy. "
Wait...a what?" she repeated, placing her hands on his shoulders...sort of...to attempt to calm him. She had to stand on her tip toes to reach, but she sort of managed.
Breathe Daichi...BREATHE!