Decided to post here instead of the new forum :) Don't Cross the Book | who turned out the | Lights Lennox
First day back and Jez's head was already in a whirl. She closed the door to the room of Requirement and leant against it, letting out a deep breath. The dummies were piled where they usually were when she and Nate came here. she flicked her wand at one. "Confringo." Nothing happened; the dummy stayed motionless. Jez tried again. "Confringo." Still nothing. "Confringo!" The thing may have twitched, just a little. Other than that, nada. "So now even you won't fight me outright," growled Jez, walking over and kicking the dummy. It still stayed irritatingly silent, its blank face seeming to mock her. Jez turned away from it and sat down on the floor, her arms wrapped around her legs and her chin on her knees. Team Wolf were after her friends now, she was sure of that ... while she'd been preoccupied with something else, Nate had fainted. It was Team Wolf's fault, which could be directly linked back to her, making it her fault. Jez yelled in frustration, and it bounced off the walls. she yelled again, words this time, and the Room obligingly echoed them back to her. "Kill me if you want to, but don't you dare hurt my friends!" She stood, shouting with all her strength. "Do you hear me?! Don't -you - dare - hurt - my - friends!" She knew that Team Wolf, wherever they were, couldn't possibly hear her, but she had a feeling they were watching her somehow, and if so, they'd get the message. Jez was angry, and an angry Jez was a reckless one.
__________________  ... PERCEPTIVE ... ALOOF ... PHILOSOPHICAL ... |