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"As you might know some Slytherins aren't that nice, I tend to hang with Ravenclaws, they are very nice, and besides, I welcome all to be my friend, I dont care about houses or blood, everyone should be friends with everyone" Katie smiled, it was hard to start a fight with Katie, the only Katie has been in a fight because she had started it, but that was never really. Katie loved Ravenclaws, yes that sounded a bit odd, a slytherin that adores Ravenclaws, but it was true! They are smart and can help her with her OWLS *giggle* but that wasn't the reason.. ravens were AWESOME!
Katie sighed, why are some Slytherins like that? When she hears of them Katie always thinks why she was sorted into Slytherin herself.
"Sorry to hear, who was it? Just wondering just in case I know them" Katie asked curiously, Katie was a very curious person. Apart from the million Ravenclaw friends she had she had many Slytherins too she had met, and who knows, she could know the rude slytherin, though she probably didn't, though she welcomed everyone as friends she tend to try and avoid rude people.
Awww, not even a quick hold? Katie wasn't going to beg even if she wanted to hold the lizard badly, she loved all animals, expect any bugs, they were disgusting and some scary. "I'll keep that in mind" Katie joked, though she will remember that and hunt Erin's lizard down tomorrow, just kidding, Katie will probably forget by the end of the day, Katie was just cool like that, though she would defiantly remember Erin and the AWESOME DUCKS. "Pleasure" Katie grinned, lovely to meet new people, as it was her mission for everyone to know who she is so this was a good start.
A Slytherin Ravenclaw lover? Great! So, she could say anything to her. The truth was, she loved Slytherin. She had so many Snakey friends, Kimalia, Sky, Kat, Cass, Nora and many more. Her all time crush was also from Slytherin, she swore to herself, if she could see Jonathan Kim lingering around here all by himself, she would leave Katelyn alone and go to him instead. It may be a little embarrassing and awkward for the Slytherin girl but she would do it. She would do it like right now!
"I love to hear that you like us," she smiled. 'We're basically awesome!' Erin muttered under her breath.
The guy was somewhat her age, she may know him. Just that he was an enemy, why would he introduced himself to Erin?
"There's no introductions between us but he must be like in his fourth year?" Yes, somewhere between a fourth and a fifth. Erin loathed him. He embarrassed her.
So, Katelyn was not the ickle type, thank God she was not a first year.
"You know Nora, she's a Slytherin too. I bought a lizard to partner with hers," Erin winked. She would say, she was not too fond of those little creatures before, but the fact that she could matchmake the animals, it just felt so cool.
"Nice to meet you too Katelyn."