It was nice to settle in. What was not nice was being disturbed by an owl that actually appeared to be smirking at her from the window sill. She tried to ignore it but the smirk, and occasional quiet hoot, was insistent so she went over to it and took the note that was attached to its leg.
The owl SMIRKED again and didn't wait around for a reply, it just launched itself from the window sill and back out into the cool air.
SPOILER!!: if you're nosy
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
So I thought this would be safer for your blood pressure and me in general than trying to speak to you.
By now you are probably glaring a this letter and thinking about throwing it in a fireplace-please hold off on that.
I'm not sure if I'm suppose to thank you or beg for your forgiveness to get you to look in my direction though both are unlikely. Then I remembered how I so graciously helped you with the DADA class last term and I believe it was decided that you owe me. So I'm cashing out on that now, I would really appreciate if you took 10 minutes out of your day to meet me at Hogshead, at Friday night around 9 in the evening.
Coins to pelt me with aren't needed. I don't expect a reply, just for you to be there.
-p.s you can throw this in the fire now
Her nostrils flared a bit as she read over the note. Twice. Well there was no fire IN her fireplace right now so she WOULDN'T burn it. SO THERE.
Huffing slightly, Althea read it a third time and tried not to focus on the irritating bits that he'd crossed out but CLEARLY left readable so that she'd SEE it.
Well she'd just have to tell him off about that at 9pm on friday, wouldn't she? Thea folded the note up and marched over to her desk, where she shoved it into the top drawer.
Best not to think about it or she'd end up lighting a fire JUST to burn the thing. Even if it was almost nice.