Stella Gardiner
Basics: Name: Stella Marie Gardiner
Nicknames: Stella, Stel, (Little) Star
Age: 16
Birthdate: July 20, 2060
Place of Birth: Wiltshire
Current Home: Hauts-de-Seine, France (when with her parents and younger brother)/ London, England (when with her older sister/at Hogwarts)
Blood/Lineage: Halfblood (Father is muggleborn, mother pureblood)
Wand: Rowan, core of kelpie hair and unicorn tail hair, 8 inches, flexible
Favorite subjects: Charms and DADA, with Transfiguration a close third
Worst Subjects: Ancient Runes, Potions
Patronus: a unicorn
Play-by: Crystal Reed
Post Color: #006B54
Appearance: Height: 5’8”
Weight: around 115 pounds
Hair Color: dark brown, almost black
Eye Color: chocolate brown
Family and Friends: Parents: Desmond Alexander Gardiner, 40
Eileen Frances (Fancourt) Gardiner, 38
Siblings: Talia Grace Gardiner, 20
Carter Benjamin Gardiner, 7
a calico
kitten named Lyra
Friends: Clarise Montclair (“Risa”), 16, her best friend at Beauxbatons
Matthew Stevenson, 17, boyfriend
Acquaintances: Salander Daichi Katharos Sierra Greingoth August Goldstein Charles Fitzgerald Paulie Foster - fellow Beauxbatons transfer
Brooklyn Petrov Gideon Gert Eino Uronen Ryden Di Marco Personality:
Stella is the quintessential popular girl, so to speak. Somehow, she’s avoided going down the path of being a mean girl, though. Instead, she earned her popularity by talking to just about everyone, and making friends with whoever seems willing. Not to mention, she just wouldn’t be able to be a mean girl anyhow, as it’s physically impossible for her to look down on people. That’s not to say she’s pathologically nice. She has a bit of a rebel streak, a side to her that can be a bit sarcastic and is unafraid to bite back if anyone attacks her. She does have the ability of coming up with responses for any situation, and sometimes even will revert to speaking in French if she’s particularly irritated, playful, or angry. She also is rather artistic, although she’s always channeled that into acting as opposed to anything else. (She occasionally sings as well.) Not to mention, she is quite a fan of Shakespeare, and can quote almost every one of his plays if she feels like it.
Like most other girls, boys can distract Stella, and she’s not afraid to approach them. Talking to them proves to be no problem to her, but sometimes the physical can make her step back a little. She’s not the type to give herself if it’s not serious, so she tends to look for boyfriend material. As opposed to simply friends who are boys and fun to play with. She does have male friends, though. Things just stay very platonic with them. Enemies are few and far between when it comes to her, simply because she’ll just continue to be nice until they cave unless they are particularly mean. In those situations, she’ll ignore them. Insults roll off her like water, as she doesn’t like to let them get to her although she can also give them out when piqued.
Literature (English, French and Wizarding)
art from the Italian Renaissance
talking to people
animals (Both Muggle and magical)
the color green
People being mean
Stella has never thought of herself as French. That’s the easiest way to explain her, and in the strictest sense, she isn’t. She was born in England, the second daughter of a Muggleborn Wizard and a pureblood witch who is a descendant of Perpetua Fancourt. She spent the first four years of her life in Wiltshire, running around the family home with her older sister while her mother painted and her father was looking for a job, but after her fourth birthday, that idyllic childhood ceased. Desmond found a job working for the Department of International Cooperation at the French Ministry, and he uprooted the entire family and moved them to France, meaning that little Stella had to leave any of her friends she’d made at home. That was hard on her, even though she still had Talia. The move was easier on an eight-year-old Talia, as she’d known she only had a few years before she’d go to school and she’d been determined to still go to Hogwarts, where both their parents had attended. Therefore, she only had to wait until then to see her old friends. Stella had longer to wait, and it took a year or two before she’d even settled into the new family home just outside Paris proper.
Coinciding with Talia’s acceptance into Hogwarts, Stella met a new neighbor’s daughter, also seven years old at the time. Clarise was just as outgoing as a young Stella, and just as magical, and they bonded almost instantly, with Stella settling on calling her new friend by the nickname she’d created. Risa, while Stella was friendly and outgoing, was the slightest bit more adventurous and boy-crazy, and they ended up getting into all sorts of scrapes before both ended up enrolled at Beauxbatons. That disappointed Stella the slightest bit, as she’d always had a secret desire to follow Talia to Hogwarts and back to England, but at least she still had Risa with her. And she made the best out of going to Beauxbatons, earning high grades and even ending up in a relationship of sorts as of her fourteenth birthday with another English expatriate at the school, and an upperclassman, Ethan Wood. He was a bit of a Quidditch savant, and just as popular as the duo of Stella and Risa. However, while the two girls never let that get to their heads, it influenced Ethan more until it reached a breaking point the middle of their fourth years at Beauxbatons. Stella severed her ties with him, supported by Risa, but it also brought back her desires to leave France and go to Hogwarts.
Even though she also didn’t want to leave Risa behind, she asked her father if he could do anything, and that was helped along by the fact that Talia had stayed in London after her own Hogwarts graduation, enrolling in Wizarding university there to try and study law (with the goal of becoming some sort of Wizarding private investigator). Desmond contacted some people and got her a transfer, as long as she stayed with Talia when she wasn’t at school. Stella was ecstatic, especially as she’d gotten to take a brief trip to London the summer before her last term at Beauxbatons, so she had a tiny idea what she could expect. Risa took the news okay, although it seemed that made her double her attempts to have fun with Stella while she could. Either way, the parting of the two friends was sad, but Stella had promised to write as much as she could and the same promise was made to her. She’d keep in touch with her parents, Carter (who had been born several years into their residence in France), and Risa, and Stella set off for her new adventure. Going to Hogwarts, where she’d always wanted to go.
Once she got to London, she ran into someone she’d met during the brief visit the previous summer in Diagon Alley, Matthew Stevenson, and the fact she’d been unable to stop thinking about that meeting the year before made things a bit awkward. Only by way of she was hiding the fact she was transferring to Hogwarts from him and now she was hiding the fact she’d had feelings for him as well simply because she didn’t want to hurt their friendship. Somehow she’d managed to hide the feelings, even as he found out that she was now at Hogwarts when he saw her at the opening feast. The friendship continued to the point she ended up struggling with the first Potions homework assignment, as they were supposed to give their hate potions to someone who was important to themselves and the only person she could think of was the sixth year Slytherin. She wasn’t going to ask him to take it, but he talked her into it and things got extremely difficult for her. Things got said, she avoided him for a while simply to protect her own suddenly fragile emotions, but he finally managed to get her to the Room of Requirement after apologizing. That was when it came out that her feelings for him were reciprocated, and her best friend (at Hogwarts, as Risa was still her
best best friend) became her boyfriend. And the main concern she had after that was OWLs, as she was paranoid that having been taught the previous four years at Beauxbatons had set her behind. After many study sessions, both with Matt and by herself, she sat her exams and passed them almost with flying colors. Thus letting her enjoy her trip back to France over the summer, and then the events she’d had planned once she’d returned to London before setting off on her sixth year of Hogwarts.