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Hogwarts RPG Name: Auden Azarolla Ravenclaw First Year | <.< >,> v.v ^,^! Name: Ivory Vitya Erised Nickname: Ivy DoB: February 28, 2059, 4:44 a.m. Blood Status: Half blood (or so she thought) Metamorphmagus (A rarely known fact that only her family, her best friend Arya,and of course the Headmaster are privy to. Abilities still very underdeveloped barely beginning to advance.) Age: 17 Year: 7th House: Ravenclaw [Ravenclaw Prefect her 4th,5th, and 6th year] Wand: 11.5' Bois de rose wood with a Gubraithian Fire core (Turquoi heirloom) Pet: Gyr falcon named Gavin Appearance: Eyes: Dark color, varying shades Complexion: Light, sun kissed one would say Height: Petite : 5’0’’ (Finally) Build: Slender, petite with hourglass figure Hair: Varying shades of brown and at times other colors, depending on the circumstances Father: Joseph Erised (Asclepius) Mother: Mary Louise Vitya Erised Brother: Artemis Erised Brother: Leo Erised [Twin to Will] Brother: Will Erised [Twin to Leo] Paternal Grandfather [Diseased]: Tomas Dantes Erised Paternal Grandmother [Diseased]: Gloria Turquoi Erised Adoptive [Muggle] Grandfather: William Asclepius Adoptive [Muggle] Grandmother: Selena Asclepius Maternal Grandfather: Leopold Vitya Maternal Grandmother: Katelyn Vitya Great Aunt: Emmaline Turquoi Cousin: Tiffany Turquoi-DeVion
I. In the beginning….
Ivory Vitya Erised was born to Mary Vitya and Joseph Asclepius. Mr.Asclepius, a Healer a St. Mungo's, being of muggle upbringing ( Or so he thought) was still quite partial to the muggle life and had decided together with his wife to raise their children among them.
Their first and only daughter, for only sons followed, was a perfectly normal little baby albeit a very small one. It wasn't until shortly after her 4th birthday that her mother noticed that her daughter's eye color seemed to change depending on her mood and although she was seen constantly biting her nails every time Mariana asked to see her hands, her nails appeared long and even. Worried that she was victim of some passing curse or jinx, she was taken to St Mungo's Hospital where she was finally identified as a metamorphmagus. It was a fact that mystified many a healer and her family alike. Her father had been thought to be of muggle descent while the Vitya line was one who could trace their magical roots centuries back and had no known history of any metamorphmagi in the family. It was considered a geneological oddity for Ivory to have been born one. Stumped for the moment, the Ascelpius family raised Ivory as they thought best. And because she would be attending a muggle elementary school, she was warned against changing her appearance and grew up with the phrase "Real beauty is on the inside" stamped into her subconscious. So with no one to teach her and no real idea of what her abilities meant or could progress to, her abilities were sadly lacking by the age of eleven and she was consequently labeled as being "underdeveloped." II. Growing up....
Ivory grew up knowing she didn't quite fit in with the other muggle kids and the only time she felt completely at ease was during the holidays when the family spent them with her mum's blatantly magical relatives.
She was small even by an eleven year old's standards coming in at about 4'3" with average brown hair that falls in straight waves to her shoulders with large thickly lashed dark brown eyes which her mother says are best features saying everyone can read her emotions like an open book. Her mother’s side of the family is very curvaceous but unfortunately in her opinion there are only hints of that as of yet.
And so Ivory sought refuge in music and reading...everything from her mother's old transfiguration and charms textbooks to the newest muggle fiction and she was rarely seen without a book in hand and a MEBAD (Musical Earpiece Bewitched for Auditory Duplication) in ear, which she sometimes plays her violin along to.
Of course, growing up with 3 younger brothers did not make it any easier on her, and she consequently has a few hobbies that aren’t quite as mundane. Playing a rough game of quidditch in the enchanted-to-look-normal backyard, is a favorite pastime when she actually feels like putting up with Artemis and the twins.
Due to her mother’s steady stream of community involvement, she has been an unpaid babysitter for more times than she’s ready to admit and has thus developed a very protective, nurturing side for those she cares about. Shy at first glance, it wasn’t until one really talked to her that it was noticed that she had a quick wit and excellent sense of humor although it wasn't too hard to see she was indefinitely very self conscious.
III. Finding out the Family History…
It was right around the time that Ivory received her Hogwarts Letter that another was received. A letter requiring the family to attend the reading of the last will and testament of a certain Tomas Dantes Erised. The reading was one that detailed the truth about Joseph’s birth.
It was many years ago, when Tomas, a young man then, had toured Europe in search of a good time. He’d already known he’d inherit his father’s legacy one day but for now he was content to live his life one day at a time. That is until the day he visited the children’s ward of St. Mungo’s and stumbled across a certain female healer, engaged in trying to make the injured children laugh by changing the color of her hair. Fascinated by her genuine smile and character, Thomas knew right then that she would one day be his wife.
Gloria Turquoi came from a mainly matriarchal family , metamorphmagi blood running strong in her veins just like it had in her mother, and her mother before her. Beautiful, alluring, and intelligent, she was everything Tomas ever wanted.
And so they were wed. Never had two people ever been so much in love. Eventually, thoughts of starting a family together took hold and deciding it was time to put some roots down the couple began to make a home for themselves away from their overbearing families. But alas it was all too good to be true. For years, they tried and tried to have children, always trying to be optimistic but knowing their time was almost running out as their biological clocks were ticking. And yet one day the impossible happened. Joyously pregnant, they planned for the new baby boy, taking every precaution knowing full well that at Gloria’s age it would be a high risk pregnancy.
That should've been their happy ending. It should've been where they walked off into the sunset hand in hand to live happily ever after all together as a happy little family, but life oft times has other plans. As a new life was born another was taken , the complications during the birth too strenuous. Gloria Turquoi Erised was gone not moments after first holding her son. Devastated at the loss of his one true love, Tomas couldn’t bear the thought of raising their son without her. In that one quick moment of despair he did something he’d come to regret for the rest of his life: He gave up his only son for adoption.
The will went on to express Tomas’s sorrow and embarrassment at his cowardice especially in his attempt to keep the whole ordeal hidden from the rest of the Erised and Turquoi family; However, it also confessed to the fact that he kept tabs on Joseph throughout his life. A man of considerable power, he’d indirectly influenced quite a few aspects of his son's life and now named him his only legal heir. Leaving to him all his holdings, properties, and amassed fortune.
While Ivory’s father had no other siblings there were many an Erised family member that saw it in their best interest to contend the will seeing as almost none of them knew of Jospeh’s existence with the exception of his mother’s favorite sister, Emmaline whom no one seemed to be able to locate. Out of the woodwork appeared cousins, aunts, uncles and distant relatives all clamoring for their part of the inheritance.
IV. The bright side… The legal proceedings that followed were long and tedious, legally resulting in the name change from Asclepius to Erised. Ivory now Ivory Erised had not only inherited a new family but a new heritage as well, the answer of where her abilities had come from finally answered. Not only that, but Tomas whom had become aware of little Ivory’s condition had willed her her grandmother’s wand. An aged wand with intricate carvings, it stood proud at 11.3 inches of Bois de rose wood with a core of Gubraithian fire. An ancient coveted Torquoi family heir loom that was passed down through generations and was said to only respond to the touch of a Turquoi descendent with metamorphmagi blood in her veins. Since the first moment Ivory held that wand, there was never a doubt in her mind that it belonged to her. A fact only emphasized by the small flare of blue flame that blossomed at the tip every time the smooth wood came into contact with her hand. V. Time at Hogwarts ❶It was during her first year at Hogwarts that Ivory met her best friend and partner in crime for life, Arya Lovegoods. The year was passed voraciously reading everything she could get her hands on and trying her best in every class she could, finding a soft spot for a certain grandfatherly Professor Kazimeriz and finding a mother away from home in Professor Morgan-Lawson. Being awfully selfconconcious as she was, she usually hesitated before doing spells in front of people for fear of causing a fire however eventually she grew more confident in her magical abilities and grew to love her wand as an extension of herself. Many memories were made that year, although not all of them good.
❶That year was also the year that Ivory was victim of the Imperius unforgivable curse and forced to duel for the entertainment of sick minded individuals along with being forced to fight against her fellow classmates and professors. Although she'd like to think that she's moved past it all, she still wakes up every once in a while from horrid nightmares that involve her being a puppet and forced to hurt the people she cares most about. Keeping all of that in a tightly closed box in the dark recesses of her mind however the only obvious result of the whole thing was that she developed a strong adversion to butterbeer.
❷After many a debate among her family, it was finally decided that Ivory would in fact be returning to Hogwarts. Between having fun with her best friend, making new friends and still being the book worm she's always been, Ivory has grown to think of Hogwarts as a second home.
❸It was in the summer of her third year, that her Great Aunt Emma came into the picture with no explanation as to where she’d disappeared for all those years. The woman was old and eccentric but didn’t appear to want any part in the legal proceedings. However, she had been hemming and hawing for Ivory to spend some time with her after discovering the young girl was also a metamorphmagi. Her father, rightfully suspicious of the old woman and the fact that she'd let him believe his whole life that he had no living relatives even though she’d known of his existence, had had his misgivings but her mother had conceded, sure Great Aunt Emma had just gotten lonely in her old age since her own grandchildren rarely visited.
❸And so it had come to pass that Ivory and her three brothers spent a large chunk of that summer listening halfheartedly to an old woman's rambling and on Ivory's part many, maaaaany reprimands and deprecating comments. Oh, you would have had so much potential....its a pity.... That's all you can do??Why at your age I could... and who could forget the ever offensive 'And your not adopted, your sure of it?' Aunt Emma was convinced that something was horribly wrong with Ivory and her underdeveloped talent. It did not help matters, that Tiffany, the only one of Emma’s grandchildren to have inherited Metamorphmagi abilities decided quite conveniently out of the blue to visit. Having of course been instructed in the mystery of her abilities since birth, Tiffany was eveything Ivory wasn’t. She could control her emotions to not change involuntarily and could change everything and anything at will from body mass to skin tone without so much as breaking a sweat. To say Ivory’s feeling of self worth decreased would be an understatement.
❹Unbeknowst to Ivory, Tiffany was in fact sizing her up. For all intents and purposes, gathering intel. She’d gotten the idea that she was the rightful heir to Turquoi heirloom wand. So during Ivory’s fourth year, while she was preoccupied with new Prefect responsibilities and her studies, Tiffany decided to take legal action against Ivory’s ownership of the wand.
❹The summer of her fourth year had her traveling from courtroom to courtroom as the legal proceeding progressed. With Tiffany and her family even going as far as to call in medical experts to ascertain that Ivory’s abilities were so underdeveloped that a Metamorphmagis wand would be of no use to her. Forced to show the extend of her lack of abilities in court, Ivory was put through a series of magical and medical tests to discover whether the problem was an inborn one.
❺It wasn’t until she was evaluated by a psychiatrist in Switzerland whom after finally convincing Ivory to divulge the happenings of her first year determined that she was not underdeveloped so much that her fear of not being in control was inhibiting her from fully developing her potential. The case dismissed until further notice, Ivory went home exhausted, drained, and feeling used just in time for the new term to begin. As her fifth year commenced, the prefect through herself into the only thing she could...her education. OWLs were coming up and they were not to be taken lightly...least of all by a bookworm like herself. In such a way, the months passed along with some interesting pirate aquatic adventures, and before she knew it, the summer break had arrived and the court date was set to meet again. 6. As the legal proceedings reconvened, it became more and more apparent that both sides had equally presentable arguments and a decision would not be quickly forthcoming. Determined to win at all costs, Tiffany requested that the court test the skills of the two of them; The better shifter of course becoming the winner of the prized family heirloom. Feeling that the request was reasonable, the judge agreed to the matter on the condition that the said contest would take place exactly one year from the set date during the summer and would test not only metamorphmagus abilities but their magical prowess as well. The better to determine the most deserving candidate. Waiting a year would give both parties enough time to "practice" (As if Tiffany needed it) and ensure that both were of legal age since Ivory would be turning 17 that February.
With the possibility of failure looming over her, the Ravenclaw began her sixth year. Outside of her prefecting duties and intense studying, every spare moment was spent practicing. Her hair color, skin tone, facial structure...everything had to be able to be changed at a seconds notice. Time passed by much to quickly and faster than seemed possible February had arrived and her abilities while marginally better were nowhere near where they should've been. It was at this point that Aunt Emma took an interest in the situation once more. Although convinced Tiffany would win, in her eyes, it would be in great distaste if her grand daughter won by default merely because Ivory had had no significant training in the matter.
After many an uncomfortable talk, it was finally decided; On her 17th birthday at the end of the month, Ivory would leave Hogwarts and travel with her Aunt. Travel and learn.
Not only would she be leaving behind her responsibilities as a prefect, but she'd be leaving her friends and family away from home. Anguished but aware that it was perhaps a way to finally learn more about her heritage, the seventeen year old left her beloved school midterm. 6.5 The months with her aunt passed by in a grueling blur. Never before had her abilities been tested with such force. Finally the time had arrived, the set competition.
Test by test, the two young women were pitted against each other, the results neck and neck. Stunned by the indistinguishability of their abilities thus far, the judge was forced to administer harder and harder trials. Hours passed with neither side losing ground until the strain of entire ordeal proved too much. Only through sheer force of will was Ivory able to keep consciousness for the split seconds necessary to outlast her cousin; this small detail alone granting her victory.
Three days and 6 hours later, the seventeen year old woke up groggily, the mental strain of opening her eyes alone almost too much to bare. In a quirky twist of fate, the first thing she saw was the last thing she could remember seeing. Lying in a hospital bed not more than a few feet away was her cousin who it would seem had woken up similarly. As their eyes met, her cousin gave her a small of approval and a simple understanding passed between them. A bitter rivalry had come to an end. Smiling, Ivory drifted back to sleep content in the knowledge that it was all over.
Weeks of recovery passed in comfortable companionship and soon it was time to return to London. It had been agreed that she would be returning to Hogwarts for her Seventh Year and no one was more excited about this fact than Ivory. Although she would no longer be a prefect and had much to make up for, she was nevertheless looking forward to her final year.
7. Final Year at Hogwarts.....HAPPENING NOW! 
VI. Her personality... I suggest getting to know her
Last edited by demented_death_eater; 01-05-2012 at 03:39 AM.