ALYSSA "LYSSIE" LILY POTTER Name: Alyssa Lily Potter
Nickname: Lyssie
Birthdate: November 7th, 2063
Birth place : Los Angeles, California
Home town: Los Angeles, California
Heritage: Mixed Blood.
Model for Alyssa: Alyssa Milano
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Year: Is a 2nd year transfer from Salem Institute of Magic
Wand: 11 1/2" Holly wood with Female Phoenix Feather. Nice and Supple.
Familiar: Snowy Owl, Shannia.
Patronus: Unknown (but suspects that when the time comes, hers will be a doe]
Boggart: Her family dead.
Physical appearance:
Hair: Dark Brown, shoulder length preferably in a tapered style.
Eyes: Brownish Green
Height: 5 ft 6 inches (is tall for her height)
Weight: 115 lbs
Skin tone: Tanned because of her time spent outdoors playing with her siblings and parents.
Body structure: Slim, trim and muscled.
Sports: Loves playing Quidditch with her siblings.
Muggle sports: Alyssa has a Black belt in Tae Kwon Do, loves swimming, Running, playing netball and squash.
Family: Father: James Albus Potter
Heritage: Mixed Blood.
Occupation: Works as an Auror in the American Branch of Department of Magical Law Enforcment.
Mother: Melissa Jane Potter
Heritage: Pureblood
Occupation: Recently transferred to the Ministry's Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office.
Siblings: 2 Brothers, Alex Harry, Sirius Remus, sister, Hermione Rose and older twin sister, Claudia Donovan. All remain in America. Sisters still attend the Salem Institute of Magic.
Alyssa is very outgoing and friendly and loves being outdoors. She loves making friends and is loyal to the core. She loves animals and believes that everyone has a right to be treated equally and with respect. It doesn't matter whether they are human or a magical creature. Alyssa has a family secret and she hopes that no one finds out about because she wants to be treated for who she is and not who she is related to.
Being the youngest child, Alyssa has always grown up in the shadow of her older siblings. She is not aware that she has great potential and will outshine her siblings in all aspects if she just believes in herself and steps out on her own.
Hobbies: Alyssa loves listening to muggle music, watching muggle movies and travelling all over the world, which she does the muggle way because she finds it very quaint and interesting. She likes surfing, bungee jumping, in fact any sport that has the element of danger in it. She is good with computers and loves breaking codes and puzzles. Together with her twin sister, she has successfully hacked into the muggle world's Federal computers 17 times and has never been caught. They are infamously known as the FedCom Hackers by other fellow underground hackers. The reason why Alyssa is in Hogwarts while her twin stays behind in Salem is because her parents want to separate the duo as much as possible before they end up getting into trouble.
ooc: Hi there. I'm Pearl and if I'm not stuck in classes here, or working at my *cough* job you can usually find my charrie on Twitter. But if you want to chat or RP drop me a VM or PM.