Originally Posted by
Colley ♥
Taryn wished she had brought something with her to feed the ducks with, but she hadn't known that there even WERE ducks until she'd found them. NEXT time she'd bring snacks. Taryn was wondering what the ducks would do when winter time came. They would.. fly south? Like other birds? Hmm. This was something that Aspen would know. Taryn lacked knowledge in all things birds.
"Oh, hi!" Taryn smiled at Auggie. She WONDERED when she'd see him next. It was a pretty big school, after all, but she figured it would be soon. Clara was not going to be distracted from her duck watching, but she did allow Auggie to pet her. "Hey." Taryn sat down and crossed her legs, "I meant to ask you this before, but I forgot." OR she'd been hoping that it had never happened...
"Did you happen to get a letter from... me over the summer?"
Oh he was glad that she was happy he was there. Auggie was beginning to feel more and more comfortable around Taryn and the fact they were in a relationship didn't freak him out anymore.
And then they were talking about the letter.
Yeah....that letter had freaked him out a bit, but that was back before he was as comfortable as he was now, well before she had mentioned the
thing again.
"Umm yeah. It was nice." he nodded. He had the strangest feeling that she hadn't written it herself and her asking about it only strengthened that thought.