♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 Auggie hadn't seen Taryn at the Feast after they had spent a nice train ride together on the way to school. He had thought about going over to visit her at the Slytherin table but got caught up messing around with Kurumi, Selina, and the new Gryffindors he had met. He was also sort of nervous around a few of the snakes.
But the boy had made a promise to himself that he would find his girlfriend today so they could spend their first day back at school together. He decided that the Grounds would be a good place to look for her. His shoes travelled the lawns until he began to hear the quacking of ducks. Really, ducks?
August decided that was definately a place to look, even if Taryn wasn't there. Ducks were always interesting. They weren't really around his home in the city. They reminded him of the country. As he reached the edge of the pond he, suprisingly, HAD found Taryn. "Hey Taryn, fancy seeing you here." he said walking up to her and playfully poking her arm. "And I see you've brought Clara." he said crouching down to pat the cat on the head. Taryn wished she had brought something with her to feed the ducks with, but she hadn't known that there even WERE ducks until she'd found them. NEXT time she'd bring snacks. Taryn was wondering what the ducks would do when winter time came. They would.. fly south? Like other birds? Hmm. This was something that Aspen would know. Taryn lacked knowledge in all things birds.
"Oh, hi!" Taryn smiled at Auggie. She WONDERED when she'd see him next. It was a pretty big school, after all, but she figured it would be soon. Clara was not going to be distracted from her duck watching, but she did allow Auggie to pet her. "Hey." Taryn sat down and crossed her legs, "I meant to ask you this before, but I forgot." OR she'd been hoping that it had never happened...
"Did you happen to get a letter from... me over the summer?"
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 01-26-2012 at 09:17 AM.