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Old 01-03-2012, 07:27 AM   #143 (permalink)
Formerly: Hayden

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Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"Above and beyond." As in, Dean wasn't JUST doing his job. And that was what Van required. He expected a lot from his MLErs and especially from those who were following his own particular career path.

"No need for the flattery, Dean." For one, Evander KNEW his value, for another, flattery did not earn any respect from him. You had to work for that. Which Dean had done even if he wasn't aware of it.

"Excellent, I'll have the information about the role sent to your desk. Have a chat to Wes when you get a chance and we'll go over which areas you need to work on."

... and that would be Skander.

"Dean, on your way out if you wouldn't mind letting Skander in, that would be useful." And save Evander from hobbling to the door.
It was not just a flattery what Dean said, but it was a fact. Bole was the Head MLE and Dean knew it was very difficult to rise that much. Even he had to go through a lot to get promoted as a Hit Wizard.

"Thank you, sir. I'll talk to Wes when we're free," he raised from the chair and slightly bowed to Bole. "Have a nice day," said Dean just before he headed for the door. As he opened the door, a man he recognised from the coup was standing there. Dean smiled at him. "After you, Mr Skander," he held the door for the other man.
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