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Things had the potential to become extremely awkward indeed, but Seren shrugged it off.
"Jayden," she greeted brightly with a nod. "I most certainly did, those gloves were very handy, thank you." And nothing excited her more than new gloves... or seeds, or dung, or trowels... oh the life of a herbologist!
"How were your holidays dear? Get up to anything exciting?"
Seren sipped her tea.
"My holidays were wonderful! I went on a vacation with my family to Hawaii!" She replied excitedly. So many good memories had been had there.
."I also got a ton of shopping done, and invested in quite a few nice Herbology books and dragonhide gloves!" She added, her cheeks growing pink with excitement.
Such a little junior Herbologist she was....
"How did you spend your holidays, Professor? Anything new or exciting happen?" She asked curiously.