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Did he just admit to poisoning the healer? Fina stared back at the fellow for a moment and shook her head, hoping to Merlin he was kidding or just messing with her.
"Good. Because I think it'd be a pity to poison a total stranger's drink." You should at least wait to exchange names and then decide to poison them depending on if you've heard of their name or not. WAIT! What? Spitting her water back into her goblet, she frowned. "Well thanks for that. I'm not thirsty anymore." She wasn't taking chances.
A glance toward the Hufflepuff table and some loud commotions from first years told her she might be needed.
"Josephina Hadley." Wait. Did him sitting there mean that the Runes position had actually been filled? She had actually grown accustomed to the chair on the end being vacant during feasts. Not that she minded the company.
Even if he did have some sort of . . . vendetta with the other guy, as he dumped the guy's juice on his lap. Just in time for Fina to catch the Headmaster take seat from the corner of her eye.
Really? Oliver thought differently.
"Wouldn't it be better to poison a stranger than a friend?" He was going to have to watch this one. She had that look about her. The one that said not to turn your back on her.
Seeing her spit her water back caused him to chuckle just a little. It seemed he had caused her to be wary of him. He would never intentionally hurt someone. It was all in good fun after all.
"Pleasure to meet you Josephina." See, he could be sensible too.
"So I take it your the Arithmancy professor." He could be smart too. Oliver figured they were sitting alphabetically which made him number one.
Oh yeah, baby!
SPOILER!!: The Charming One
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She was about to say something else to Dub when suddenly there was a... a mishap. Althea scooted back a bit and blinked. A small amount of pumpkin juice had splashed her. She used a napkin to dab it away.
At the sudden laughter from Hadley's end of the table, she looked and then sighed quietly to herself. Right.
Right she should have guessed.
Althea gave Oliver a polite little wave and a half smile (did he recognise her?), then offered her napkin to poor Dub.
REALLY. Had it been a student, she'd have taken POINTS.
Oooh Thea was waving at him. Oliver straightened up in his chair and gave her an enthusiastic one back. And then watched as she helped out Willy. She was so helpful.
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Cece had made it to the staff table and who should be the first one she passes? None other that I'll ignore you if your not drop dead gorgeous Oliver Jenkins. Looking at the woman sitting next to him she immediately felt sorry for the woman having to sit next to... him.
Not saying anything to either of them she moved on when she seen William a couple seats away. And of course, there was commotion at the staff table too. Poor Willy had a lap full of... well what exactly he had a lap full of she wasn't sure. What she was sure of though was it had to be the handy work of I'm still a kid Olly.
"You really do need to find better friends." She was tempted to take out her wand to dry his pants but figured that would only embarrass him even more than he probably already was having to have the healer dry your pants for you in public like this. Instead she would let the woman sitting next to him help. She would however have a little talk with him later about his choice in friends.
And then there was a man sitting next to him on the opposite side... offering his hand to shake. Really? Could he not see that Willy and the other professor had just been doused with something? Now probably wasn't the best time for introductions.
Observant one he was now wasn't he.
GAH!! Some people need to get over themselves. Oliver spared a glance at Cece as she walked passed. Was she seriously going to keep holding a grudge against him? It was tweleve years ago for Merlin sakes.
He watched as she sat down. Right next to Waylan.
SPOILER!!: The Other BFF
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Waylon did not forget about the opening feast, he did not!
And even if that was the case, which it wasn't!, he had an excuse all ready to use. Did they actually expect him to arrive on time, or early even? His hut was like..fifty miles away from the castle! And not being one of the quickest walkers, it would take him a good amount of time to get himself there. But luckily, as he FINALLY arrived in the Great Hall, one look around the room and the lack of food on the tables told him that he wasn't even late. So there was no need for his excuse.
Shoving his hands into his pockets, he made his way up to the staff dais, nodding his head at the students and other staff members he passed before throwing himself down in his seat. He tried his best to ignore the going ons around him, but with the bubbles, and Oliver down at the other end singing his own rendition of the school song, not even using his mouth, he was finding that very difficult to do.
Oh, look. The Headmaster was sitting on a THRONE! That would hold his attention for a little while.
Oh so his friend did remember that the feast was on tonight and he did manage to find the castle without getting lost. Oliver acknowledged his friend with a small salute and then grinned to himself. He had plans for him.
SPOILER!!: The Scary One
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WHAT IN HADES NAME!!! Who did that?! Who disrespected the staff dias that much that he would... Let. One. Rip?! She glared at the new professor. But his words didn't match what his actions were. He seemed to be angry with the other new man at the table.
"I suggest you two start acting like adults." She whispered to the two of them, hating to agree with the Hufflepuff head of house... "instead of the children you both seem to be."
Oliver's eyebrows almost shot off his forehead, they rose so high. Who was this feisty piece of work? He grinned down at the woman.
"But it's so much fun and it keeps you looking and feeling young." He looked her over before continuing.
"Although I think it might be a little too late for you." SPOILER!!: THE BFF
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[color=#006633]"Did you just say you're going to stick your wand up your nose?" Willy called down the table, though he was, of course, within perfect hearing range of his friend. Heh. It was so much more fun pretending to be deaf and dumb. Oliver deserved it...
...especially after that stunt with the pumpkin juice. Flinching as the cold beverage spilled all over his lap, Will scooted his chair back and shifted awkwardly in his seat, dabbing at the juice with a frown.
"That's just...unfortunate....." he sighed. Merlin, it wasn't even the first day of class and his luck was already failing him! Unless.... surely Oliver hadn't deliberately done that to HIS BEST FRIEND?!
Willy shot his friend a glare, and upon seeing him laughing, realized that he had INDEED been the cause of this mishap!!
Prank Count: 3. Oliver: 1; William: 2.
Oh William when will you ever learn?
Oliver gave his friend an innocent look.
"You should probably put your goblet in the middle of the table so that you don't knock it over so easily. You know how accident prone you are mate." Most of Willy's accidents were actually caused by Oliver, but there was no need to tell his friend that. The girls seemed to love it.
Look at them all trying to help him. His friend would thank him for that one day.
"William, why don't you use your wand to clean it up?" SPOILER!!: Gemma
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Gemma headed back up to the Staff Table after visiting with the 'fainting' boy at the Ravvie Table...what a start to the term. Since she was up anyways, she decided she should introduce herself to the newbies at the table...even if some of them were acting as the children at the class tables...she thought with a little smirk.
She walked up and around the table. And stopped at each of the new staff members. She smiled and extended her hand, "Welcome to Hogwarts! I'm Gemma Cerulean, Muggle Studies..."
Well helllloooo there pretty lady.
Oliver took her hand in his and gave it a small shake.
"Nice to meet you Gemma. Oliver Jenkins, Ancient Runes."
Wait! She did just say Muggle Studies, right? Yes he was positive she did.
"Muggle Studies, huh? I did a few muggle sports professionally for a few years, we should exchange notes some time." Oh you are so smooth Jenkins.
SPOILER!!: Gah we're in trouble
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"Give me a second." He leaned around and made eyes at his newest staff members: Williamson and Jenkins. They both got the extreme hairy eyeball.
"I will not hesitate to light your heads on fire if this childish behavior continues." EYEBALLS.
Merlin's pants!!
He was getting an eyeball. From the Headmaster no less. Five minutes on the job and they were already getting into trouble.
"Er...righto...duly noted Sir." The guy was just joking right? He wouldn't really set their heads on fire, would he?
Oliver was just about to ask Willy...something when he noticed the new Healer faint and fall onto Waylan. That didn't count, right? Because he had slipped Cece the fainting fancy before Tate and his eyeballs had told them to stop.
He cleared his throat and turned in his chair and looked out at the students. Best not look at anyone, at the moment.
And then the HM was talking again but it didn't seem to directed at him this time. He was giving his speech. Oliver gave a small wave to the students before once again reaching for his goblet and then retracting his hand just as quickly. He was going to die of thirst because he had no idea if William had tampered with the bloody thing.