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LuLu smiled at Proffeser Bently she was the kind one
''Hello Proffeser Bently good summer,'' she asked
''Congrats on head of house,'' she just had to say it before she'd forget which would be very likely
Looking up from her still empty plate, Seren flahsed the Ravenclaw a bright smile.
"Indeed, I had a rather lovely holiday, and yourself?" she asked.
Her smile almost fell at the mention of Head of House, though it seemed as though this Ravenclaw wasn't about to have her head on a pike, so all was good.
"Thank you." SPOILER!!: Elise
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Elise bounced to the staff table, a spring in her step. Or maybe a few springs. She was happy! Professor Bentley was still there! Her favourite, although she wouldn't say it out loud yet.
Once she was almost there, she stopped. "Hi, Professors," she grinned, waving energetically. "Hi Professor Bentley!"
"Welcome back Elise, had a nice holiday?" she asked smiling equally as enthusiastically as the girl was waving.
SPOILER!!: Alyssa
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"Excuse me, Professor Bentley. I'm sorry to interrupt you but I just wanted to be one of the first to congratulate you on your appointment as the Gryffindor Head of House. The students are lucky to have you."Alyssa offered her congratulations before she moved on down the table. Alyssa wondered whether the Professor would have problems cheering for her current house team or her former house team when they played each other in Quidditch. That would definitely be tough.
The familiar voice of Alyssa Potter reached her ears, and she sat back in her seat giving the Hufflepuff a friendly smile.
"Thank you Alyssa, that's sweet of you." She wasn't sure about being lucky to have her, but they had her nontheless.
SPOILER!!: Jezz, Max and Jezz
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Jezz approached the staff table silently and walked up to the professor that Kurumi said was the Gryffindor Head of House AND the Herbology Professor. She nodded to all the others around her then silently spoke up, "Professor Bentley." Where to go from there. "Hi, I'm Jezzabelle and i'll be in Gryffindor," way to state the obvious. "I'm also a major plant enthusiast and can not wait for class to start." Yeah that should do for a good introduction.
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Enough was enough!
Vindictus straightened up in his seat and turned towards the students who continued bombard the Staff table with questions and greetings that could wait for later.
"Alyssa, could you please return to your table? You can visit each professor in their office after the feast ends, and perhaps you might want to wait for Headmaster Tate's speech," Vindictus said rather firmly.
He then nodded at Minerva and his attention was now focused on a Gryffindor. "Perhaps you should return to the Gryffindor Table and you can visit Professor Bentley in her office after the feast is over," he said and his stomach growled.
Will Tate ever stand up and get the speech delivered so that they could eat?
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Jezz was startled and without another word turned and left. Never would she ever again approach the staff table.
With the arrival of a Gryffindor
finally Seren had gotten herself rather excited. This Jezzabelle girl seemed rather sweet, and a potential herbologist byt he sounds of it! Oh how she loved students that reciprocated her appreciaction of all things herbology.
However.. before she even had the chance to open her mouth... Max, shot the girl down and sent her on her way. The poor dear.
Giving Max a stern look, yes a stern look... nobody messes with her lions and gets away with it.
"Honestly Max, was that really necessary? Wouldn't a simple 'perhaps wait until after the headmaster gives his speech to make yourself acquainted with your Head of House' sufficed?..." Persoanlly she thought it would have.
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't take that tone with my Lions in future." At least not the new ones, the last thing she needed was them owling their parents telling them they were scared of their flying instructor.
Frowning, and tapping a finger on the arm of her seat, Seren stared out at the house tables. Perhaps she'd go down after the speech and see if the girl was alright.