SPOILER!!: Olly is gonna pay for this
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Bloody hell!!
William was already here. Oliver had been planning on doing wacky stuff to his friend but he couldn't very well do it now. He looked at each placings as he walked down the table and a grin spread across his face when he reached Cece's chair.
Leaning over, Oliver dropped 'something' into her goblet. See how you like that Ms Tillstrom. You're not being ignored now, are you? Hehe. This was going to be a sight to see when she took a drink.
Cece started to sip on her water as she listened to everything going on around her. What was with all these students coming up to the staff table? She didn't remember students being this bold when she went here.
She was able to ignore most of the chatter until...
Headman say what?!
He was going to light someone's heads on fire? Looking down the table she seen just who he was giving the evil eye to. Of course, the Obnoxious one and... Willy? Really? Was he a part of all that was happening up here too? Whyyyy? Why did he have to be friends with Oliver Jenkins?
Shaking her head at the situation she decided she was going to do whatever it took to make William see what an idiot his so called friend was.
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The young professor smiled at the new face...it did look familiar to her...she shook her head up and down slightly as the woman introduced herself, "Great to meet you and its great to have a healer...i hear you already fixed a problem at the Ravvie table." she said glancing over her shoulder towards the sea of blue. She shook her head left and right slightly while glancing at a few of the new male staff members as the Headmaster corrected them and then she focused again and said, "So did you attend Hogwarts?" she asked trying to place the Healer's face.
"Great to meet you too and yes, one of the young boys passed out. It only took a little whiff of this..." she said holding out the phial she had put under his nose,
"...and he was up and acting like his old self again." She put the potion back in her pocket. Never know when she would be needing it again.
"I did tell him to stop by the hospital wing later so I could check him out properly." You know, make sure this sort of thing wasn't going to happen again.
Picking up her goblet she took another drink of the water. Merlin. This stuff tasted like it came right out of the lake. She didn't remember the water tasting this bad when she was a student here. She set the goblet back down on the table. She was starting to feel a little light headed here.
Shaking her head a little she tried to focus on what was being said to her.
"Yes, I graduated from here. Well I guess it wasn't really here I graduated from since we were forced to be in two different schools during my seventh year."
Grabbing the table Cece felt like the room was spinning.
What. Was. Happening?
She was just reaching out to grab her water again but her hand never reached the goblet. Instead it fell to the table and she fell back... landing right on the professor sitting next to her (Waylon).
Out cold she was, although she could still hear the voices around her.
Just what exactly do they put in the water around here?