Originally Posted by
Enough was enough!
Vindictus straightened up in his seat and turned towards the students who continued bombard the Staff table with questions and greetings that could wait for later.
"Alyssa, could you please return to your table? You can visit each professor in their office after the feast ends, and perhaps you might want to wait for Headmaster Tate's speech," Vindictus said rather firmly.
He then nodded at Minerva and his attention was now focused on a Gryffindor. "Perhaps you should return to the Gryffindor Table and you can visit Professor Bentley in her office after the feast is over," he said and his stomach growled.
Will Tate ever stand up and get the speech delivered so that they could eat?
Gemma glanced down as Max started talking to the students with an irritated look on his face and then...it took every bone in her body not to shoot her pumpkin juice through her nose when she tried to stiffle a laugh at his reaction to the students.
She leaned down and gave him a thumbs up while still holding her nose.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC;10850645Just as she took her seat, only two seats away from the head man himself, someone was sticking their hand out to her. [B
"Hello there. Cecilia Tillstorm, Healer."[/B] Taking the woman's hand she gave her a warm smile. "You can call me Cece though. That's what my friends call me." Well, except for that Obnoxious Olly. He was no friend of hers that's for sure but for some reason he still insisted on calling her Cece. That is now that he even knew she existed.
The young professor smiled at the new face...it did look familiar to her...she shook her head up and down slightly as the woman introduced herself,
"Great to meet you and its great to have a healer...i hear you already fixed a problem at the Ravvie table." she said glancing over her shoulder towards the sea of blue. She shook her head left and right slightly while glancing at a few of the new male staff members as the Headmaster corrected them and then she focused again and said, "
So did you attend Hogwarts?" she asked trying to place the Healer's face.