Alyssa decided that she would risk talking to her House Mistress after all. She just had to make sure that she avoided Professor Scabior while she did that.
As she made her way to Professor Hadley, she spotted her Herbology Professor, Professor Bentley. She remembered that she was now the Gryffindor Head of House. Alyssa decided that she would go up to congratulate her on her new position.
SPOILER!!: Professor Bentley
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Bouncing into the Great Hall with a great deal of exuberance,
Seren managed to somehow, 1. not knock anyone over, 2. not trip over and 3. not squeal in delight... yet. Though seeing as the night was young, anything could happen.
If there was anything that made her nervous, it was her new role in the school. What with the absence of Kimber, she had been asked to step up to the plate and fill the role of Gryffindor Head of House, which was a great honour indeed. The only thing that Seren found remotely distressing about the idea was seeing the students reactions. Namely the Ravenclaws, who she had grown so close to over the last couple of years, and also the Gryffindors. At any rate it wasn't going to be a boring night... or a boring term at that.
Having made it to the dais, Seren walked along the long staff table, doing a double-take as she went. A new colleague. Smiling brightly, and fidgetting with one of the flowers in her
hair which was threatening to escape, Seren offered the man a small node,
"Welcome..." was all she could manage. Was it just her? or did this man look rather familiar?
Deciding it would be rude to linger and stare, Seren continued down the table to her seat and plopped herself into it gently.
Excuse me, Professor Bentley. I'm sorry to interrupt you but I just wanted to be one of the first to congratulate you on your appointment as the Gryffindor Head of House. The students are lucky to have you."Alyssa offered her congratulations before she moved on down the table. Alyssa wondered whether the Professor would have problems cheering for her current house team or her former house team when they played each other in Quidditch. That would definitely be tough.
SPOILER!!: Professor Lafay
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Hecate had been sitting at her seat, fork in hand and her sparkling emerald ring on her ring finger. Yes. She wasn't going to hide it anymore. An engagement was a happy thing...
She just didn't like all the attention.
This would be a good year. A very good year. There were no more obstacles. She made sure of that.
Fork in her hand, moving around her peas on the table. She was here, yes. But her mind was elsewhere.
As Alyssa walked passed she noticed the engagement ring on Professor Lafay. She smiled because she remembered seeing her taking off her ring and hiding before their last of their Potions class started for the term. She was glad that the Professor was now proudly displaying it. She deserved to be happy.
Excuse me, Professor Lafay. I'm sorry for interrupting you and I know it's none of my business, but I noticed that you are wearing your engagement ring, and I would like to say that it's a beautiful ring. Congratulations on your engagement." Alyssa quickly blurted out her best wishes before heading down the table.
SPOILER!!: Professor Romanos
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Her cheeks were tinged a slight shade of pale pink as she made her way down the long tables and up to where most of the staff were currently seated, eyes cast downward to the ground as she did so. This was the last time she was getting lost in the castle.
And that was final.
Apparently it was grand luck that her office was situated on the first floor. Could one imagine if she were up on the fifth or seventh?
Moving around to her seat, pace slowing considerably, Medea finally looked up to scan the table she was to sit at. Pink bubbles. A ladybug from the looks of it. And oh did it get looks from Medea as she just as slowly sat in her seat next to a blond woman. Perhaps it was best she did come in late.
Alyssa noticed that there was a new DADA Professor. She was glad that the school had found a replacement because she missed attending those classes last term. She looked at her name plate. Professor Romanos.
Excuse Ma'am. I just wanted to welcome you to Hogwarts and to let you know that I'm looking forward to attending your classes, Professor." Alyssa smiled at the new Professor before moving down the table until she reached Professor Hadley.
SPOILER!!: Professor Hadley
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Was it just her or did it seem like all the new staff people knew each other already? Had there been some mandatory gathering over the summer that she missed the memo about? Or perhaps they were just truly extroverts on every level.
Death threats? She looked from the gentlemen two seats down to the one next to her. And back to the other one.
"Hello," she greeted back, when he finally acknowledged her. Where was Edvard though? He should be sitting between them, and she was sure the extra person between him and the other guy would aide in subsiding their childish behaviors. "Josephina Hadley, Arithmancy Professor." Just because he didn't have the decency to introduce himself, didn't mean she would follow suit.
That was when she heard it. First there was the farting noises next to her and now a BURP?? But only this one wasn't from new staff person. Dash?
Honestly. Shaking her head at him and his pink bunny rabbit, she sighed. Would these boys ever grow up? She barely knew them, but with their bodily noises, she wished it was even less.
Did he just admit to poisoning the healer? Fina stared back at the fellow for a moment and shook her head, hoping to Merlin he was kidding or just messing with her.
"Good. Because I think it'd be a pity to poison a total stranger's drink." You should at least wait to exchange names and then decide to poison them depending on if you've heard of their name or not. WAIT! What? Spitting her water back into her goblet, she frowned. "Well thanks for that. I'm not thirsty anymore." She wasn't taking chances.
A glance toward the Hufflepuff table and some loud commotions from first years told her she might be needed.
"Josephina Hadley." Wait. Did him sitting there mean that the Runes position had actually been filled? She had actually grown accustomed to the chair on the end being vacant during feasts. Not that she minded the company.
Even if he did have some sort of . . . vendetta with the other guy, as he dumped the guy's juice on his lap. Just in time for Fina to catch the Headmaster take seat from the corner of her eye.
He was several seats away, but with all the childish banter going around the staff table, she was sure she could catch a word. Glancing sideways down the table, she gave him a brief nod.
"I didn't know hiring children was on the agenda." Honestly, some of the students acted more mature than what she'd seen thus far. "How was your break, Headmaster?"
Excuse me, Professor Hadley. I'm so sorry to interrupt you but I have a question I was wondering that I know you most likely know the answer to. I asked the Prefects but they weren't sure. Would you happen to know whether the Kitchen is now open to students? I know that it was closed last year but I was wondering whether that rule has changed now. If we are allowed, I would like to visit the House Elves and see how the baby House Elf is doing." Alyssa asked Professor Hadley. She wanted to make sure that she wasn't breaking any rules.