"It will not kill me.." Chasery said quietly. She was so nervous. She was standing in line waiting for her name. She prayed. Wishing that she could be sorted into the right house.
"Moore, Chasery" McGonagall said.
She walked nervously to the stool and McGonagall put the Sorting Hat on her head.
"Let me see." the Sorting Hat said.
"Kind of unique person. Sometimes can be so tough, funny and warm person but sometimes she can be so sweet, quiet and cold.Hmm..." the hat had confused.
"Kind of loyal person. Not too bold but she can stand up for herself and another else. Ahh, I think I got the choice..." HUFFLEPUFF "YAY!!" she jumped. She couldn't hide her happiness.
"I hope I will find so much friends here." she wished |