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Old 01-02-2012, 10:20 AM   #9 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 529

Eliza's name was called and she walked elegantly to the stool and picked up the hat. She took a moment to think. Would her parents disown her if she wasn't in Slytherin? Would she even want to be in Slytherin if her parents hadn't been so pushy? She looked around at all the faces and her gaze finally settled on the Slytherin table. Yes, she wanted to be there. She said a last prayer, then put on her nonachalant, elegant, I-think-I'm-much-better-than-you smile and lifted the hat to her head. She had hardly put it down when it schreeched "SLYTHERIN!" Oh well done Eliza, Mother and Father will be proud of their little girl. Good. She was a Slytherin and now she could hear their cheers.
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