Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer Finally! Cece had made it to the staff table and who should be the first one she passes? None other that I'll ignore you if your not drop dead gorgeous Oliver Jenkins. Looking at the woman sitting next to him she immediately felt sorry for the woman having to sit next to... him.
Not saying anything to either of them she moved on when she seen William a couple seats away. And of course, there was commotion at the staff table too. Poor Willy had a lap full of... well what exactly he had a lap full of she wasn't sure. What she was sure of though was it had to be the handy work of I'm still a kid Olly. "You really do need to find better friends." She was tempted to take out her wand to dry his pants but figured that would only embarrass him even more than he probably already was having to have the healer dry your pants for you in public like this. Instead she would let the woman sitting next to him help. She would however have a little talk with him later about his choice in friends.
And then there was a man sitting next to him on the opposite side... offering his hand to shake. Really? Could he not see that Willy and the other professor had just been doused with something? Now probably wasn't the best time for introductions.
Observant one he was now wasn't he. |