Thread: Staff Table
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Old 01-02-2012, 06:31 AM   #14 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Andrew James Preston
Seventh Year

Default And Dash too
Melly Bean | aussiegirl | a Supernatural freak

SPOILER!!: LOL glomps on Jess
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post

Normally, Josephina would have been thrilled by another year starting. At least she had been the past couple years. But this one - felt different. It felt . . . surreal, almost. Was it really September 1st or had someone like just fast-forwarded the whole world?

Or maybe put it in slow motion, as the Arithmancy Professor walked slowly up the way from the entrance hall. Though she did spare some glances at her Hufflepuffs on her walk up to the staff dais to check on them behaving and scope out the new ones.

Ah, some of the professors had already beaten her to the dais, but that one ... seemed shady over there by the Healer's chair. Did he just .... ? Squinting up at the table, she frowned as he dropped something in the healer's goblet and then followed the gentlemen to where he was seated. If there was going to be some poisoning at the feast, at least she knew who was guilty.

Couple more steps.

Brushing a strand behind her ear, she gave a smile toward Seren and even Dash - pleased the History professor had decided to return despite his attitude - and finally took her customary seat. Second from the end. Hazel eyes on the guy who may have attempted to poison the new healer, for some unknown reason.

The guy who was sitting next to her. Who seemed to have ... no that wasn't a fart, she was sure of it.

"That's what you get for attempting to poison someone." Fina said nonchalantly, taking a quiet sip from her own goblet and fixing her eyes back on her house table.

Oliver dragged his death stare away from William and let his gaze fall on the woman who had taken the seat beside him. "Touché." he drawled, picking up his goblet and then immediately putting it down again. Merlin, only knew what else Willy had done.

"Don't worry, I didn't touch yours." He glanced at her goblet for a moment before returning his gaze to the woman. "Well I don't think I did...all the goblets look the same." Bwhaha!

He extended his hand towards her. Probably not the best idea to alienate all the staff members at once. "Oliver Jenkins."

SPOILER!!: Be still Olly's beating heart
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
A certain individual got ignored. The rest of her co-workers that had arrived got smiles or polite nods.


Familiar faces. New faces. But familar. Not that Althea Schirmer said hello. She simply sat, supposing that hellos would be appropriate after the near-yelling and bodily... err... noises, were finished with.

Ahem. She did manage to look disapproving though.

And just when he thought he was getting over the embarrassment, Oliver noticed the woman a few seats up from his and he groaned inwardly. Althea Schirmer, the girl he'd had a crush on at school. Only she wasn't a girl anymore, she was a very beautiful woman.

He was going to kill William Willamson.


SPOILER!!: The dead friend
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Willy's attention was quickly caught by the arrival of his coworkers, and then the students, in the hall. He recognized the first woman at the table immediately, if not because she had been in his year, but also because she had flowers in her hair.

"Hello," he greeted Seren with a nice smile, his eyes twinkling at the flowers. Heh. Wonder what would happen if some lovely bees started pollinating those flowers? Hmm?

Will was about to comment on her lovely hairdo when he noticed Hecate and Dash arriving. He shut up quickly enough and merely nodded to the other former Slytherins, turning his attention toward the other end of the table instead. He didn't want to be caught staring when Dash took a drink, after all. Smirk.

Olly arrived next and Willy's smirk just broadened at the sight of his oldest friend, despite the head flick and all. Will casually rested his elbow on the table, his hand covering his mouth as Oliver sat down jusssssst in time.

PERFECT. "Making death threats already?" he got out in between his half-covered guffaws. "Oliver Jenkins. What kind of example are you setting for our precious students?" William gestured out toward the House tables and continued smirking, hardly noticing who sat down next.

"Hello," he turned toward the woman beside him, who was unfortunately not sitting on his other side. Had she been to his right, she could have functioned as some sort of human shield... but alas.....

WHOA WAIT. Will did a double take. Was that....? No, it couldn't be. "Thea?" he muttered in surprise. "Well I'll be!"

Oliver's gaze went back to his friend and he narrowed his eyes at him. "I'm going to show them how to stick a wand up someone's nose." It was an idle threat of course because Willy was his BFF and they often pulled pranks on each other but he had to appear as though he was going to do something.

But as soon as he saw his friend start to talking to Thea however, well Oliver changed his mind and decided to actually DO something. He drew his wand out and with a nice 'swish and flick' he levitated William's goblet of pumpkin juice to the edge of the table and then deftly dumped the contents onto his friend's lap.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted large pink bubbles floating through the air and he burst out laughing. Apparently William had already gotten to Dash.
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