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Leaving them to congradualations, his gaze once more wondered until he was hit in the shoulder by Selina. Gideon acted like it hurt, absently rubbing it with his opposite hand as he turned back to her and listened."Whatever you say," he remarked with a tip of his head to the side as he watched her continue her merriment about the impending cookies.
Eww...not a delightful thought indeed, he mused making a face as Selina commented on the taste of try-outers. "Aye...nah too pleasant I believe," he commented in agreement with a laugh. When she began searching for something in her bag all of a sudden, the fifth year couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, groaning before could catch himself at the sight of the face paint.
Why did he dread the ideas?
She rolled her eyes when Gideon rubbed his shoulder like he was actually hurt. He was being silly, but carrying on with their teasing charade she said,
"Oh I think you'll be fine." Then she leaned over and kissed his cheek,
"There all better." She had important things to attend to like the cookies in the box and how to get the cookies. They needed some super mysterious plan to just sneakily grab the cookie box. Yeah, that was a good idea... now just to get a plan.
Gideon recaught her attention and she said,
"Yeah not too pleasant at all." She would rather not think about the taste of those who would try out for her team. Yeah... not a pleasant thought at all... she needed to stop thinking about it.
SPOILER!!: Auggie
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"Pssssh! Yeah right Kurumi, I don't call you Prefect." he said eyeing her and her box of legendary cookies badge after giving her a quick hug back. He really had missed his friend over the summer. The atmosphere in the Great Hall was electric and it felt great, he looked up at the staff table and saw many new faces. Auggie made a mental note to find out who the newbies were and go and visit them later after the feast.
Back to the important matters though, like Selina's captianship! "So I will naturally be trying out to play again this term." he said nodding as if it was an obvious fact.
Selina then yanked out a jar of....GRYFFINDOR FACE PAINT. "Posters have nothing on face paint. She's right Kurumi." he said giving her a comical appologetic face.
Selina cringed at Auggie's comment about calling Kurumi "prefect". The nickname was more than just cringe worthy. Seriously, they were the little kids. All of the older people had the responsibility not them. And yet... it seemed that with each passing year all of the older kids left and they were becoming the big kids. A weird phenomenon- growing older.
She turned her attention back to Auggie and grinned at his enthusiasm,
"Good... I'll see you on the Pitch then, sir. It is a date." She stuck her tongue out at Auggie about the last part. It was weird thinking that she would be putting together her team this year.
Selina smugly put her hands on her hips and waved the tube of facepaint,
"It is a fool proof plan!" SPOILER!!: Kurumi
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"You didn't mean to eat the chocolate frog?" Kurumi repeated, arching her eyebrow once more. Selina Skylar always meant to eat, it was a habitual action. If she was left in the kitchen long enough Kurumi was sure that the fourth year would eat everything in site and then no one would have anything to nibble on.
Kurumi would let Selina live in her fantasy world...for now.
And now August AND Selina were both eyeing her box of cookies. Yes yes, she would open those up soon enough, but now was the time for people to talk and get settled in. Her cookies tended to be a bit of a distraction from this.
She did have to laugh at August's comment. "You don't, but I have had some call me that," she pointed out. Not the most common nickname for her though. Hollingberry and Dictionary Eater were the more common ones, and neither of those were typically said in a loving manner. Her attention shifted to Selina now. "Selina...you ARE odd though." No denying that one. The girl had actually brought face paint to the opening feast. Not a pep rally. But the bloody opening feast.
Kurumi sort of leaned back aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaway from Selina and her face paint. "I am not going to allow you to paint on the walls of the common room if you are suggesting that," Kurumi said, her eyes locked on the red and gold paints. Hence the need for a poster. A nice clean announcement board where everything was aligned just so was something that Kurumi had been daydreaming about all summer. Selina and her paints would have to fidn another canvas.
Selina slunk away from Kurumi as she continued on to question her about the whole chocolate frog incident. She felt like she was in court and needed to escape somehow. Maybe if she pointed out a house elf she could distract Kurumi long enough to run. No that wouldn't work because Kurumi could always find Selina later... Merlin, she was not going to get out of this. But then she seemed to have gotten out of whatever trouble she was in. It was that easy?
After Auggie entered the conversation she snickered at the tube of red she was holding in her hand. This was going to be gold and everyone knew that this was a brilliant plan. How could it not be seen as anything BUT brilliant. It was uniting the house early on like they had united at the Pep Rally and what was a little face paint? Nothing really in the over all scheme of things.
"I take that as a compliment and I would NEVER paint the walls to Gryffindor tower... they are already red. That would be a waste of time."