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Kurumi jumped a bit when someone slammed their hands on the table and was just about to tell whoever it was that they needed to be a little calmer because slamming wasn't really necessary, all agitation went out the window when she saw who had done the slamming. "August!" Kurumi smiled, giving the little lion a quick hug. He was adorable enough that he could slam his hands on the table if he wanted to. "I'm brilliant. How are you?!" She DID notice how he had trailed off just a bit, but didn't have time to say anything since his attention was now drawn to Selina's badge. "Yep, you are going to have to call her Captain this term," Kurumi winked.
Speaking of Captain... "So, Selina, how are you going to go about recruiting new players?" And my replacement. "I can help you make a poster or something."
Originally Posted by
Selina snapped her head when she heard a familiar voice say her name. It was Auggie! Oh Merlin, she had missed him over the summer. The pair were the only two third years on the team last year and they had all gotten pretty close during the Pep Rally which was the best way to end the year in Selina's opinion. Vindictus had better do that every year. She was partial to the facepaint and her boyfriend the lion.
She gestured for Auggie to come closer and answered, "I'm great! How about your..." What was he looking at? Did she have something on her robes? No that was impossible because Kurumi was being a butthead and would not share her cookies.
Then he yelled and Selina jumped. Oh it was about her Quidditch Captain badge. She nodded excitedly and replied, "Yeah I know. And well in my book it is Simon and Carter's old badge. But thanks! You gonna be at try outs Auggie?"
When Kurumi noted the name change Selina squirmed, "Ew no. That sounds weird to me. Carter and Simon are Captain. I'm just Selina... that's odd..."
A poster...? A bloody poster? Was she out of her mind? No way. They were Gryffindors not some bloody poster people. So she fumbled and reached inside her robe pockets. After a few seconds of flailing about she finally found what she was looking for, "GRYFFINDOR FACE PAINT!!!"
"Pssssh! Yeah right Kurumi, I don't call you Prefect." he said eyeing her
and her box of legendary cookies badge after giving her a quick hug back. He really had missed his friend over the summer. The atmosphere in the Great Hall was electric and it felt great, he looked up at the staff table and saw many new faces. Auggie made a mental note to find out who the newbies were and go and visit them later after the feast.
Back to the important matters though, like Selina's captianship!
"So I will naturally be trying out to play again this term." he said nodding as if it was an obvious fact.
Selina then yanked out a jar of....GRYFFINDOR FACE PAINT.
"Posters have nothing on face paint. She's right Kurumi." he said giving her a comical appologetic face.