Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Willy's attention was quickly caught by the arrival of his coworkers, and then the students, in the hall. He recognized the first woman at the table immediately, if not because she had been in his year, but also because she had flowers in her hair.
"Hello," he greeted Seren with a nice smile, his eyes twinkling at the flowers. Heh. Wonder what would happen if some lovely bees started pollinating those flowers? Hmm?
Will was about to comment on her lovely hairdo when he noticed Hecate and Dash arriving. He shut up quickly enough and merely nodded to the other former Slytherins, turning his attention toward the other end of the table instead. He didn't want to be caught staring when Dash took a drink, after all. Smirk.
Olly arrived next and Willy's smirk just broadened at the sight of his oldest friend, despite the head flick and all. Will casually rested his elbow on the table, his hand covering his mouth as Oliver sat down jusssssst in time. PERFECT. "Making death threats already?" he got out in between his half-covered guffaws. "Oliver Jenkins. What kind of example are you setting for our precious students?" William gestured out toward the House tables and continued smirking, hardly noticing who sat down next.
"Hello," he turned toward the woman beside him, who was unfortunately not sitting on his other side. Had she been to his right, she could have functioned as some sort of human shield... but alas.....
WHOA WAIT. Will did a double take. Was that....? No, it couldn't be. "Thea?" he muttered in surprise. "Well I'll be!"
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |