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Jezz could have ran, maybe skipped, or possibly danced to the Gryffindor table. Now if only she had someone, anyone to celebrate with! She was in Gryffindor the house she had been hoping for. She saw Kurumi talking to a few people and wanted to run up and ump in front of her and be excited but she didn't. Her polite manner wouldn't allow her to interrupt a conversation. Speak only if spoken to was one major thing on her list of things to do. But oh the excitement was too hard to hold in, so hard to contain.
Out of the corner of her eyes, Kurumi thought she someone jumping more than violently than a leaping toadstool and when she turned her head to see what it was, Kurumi's eyes widened with excitement at the first year in crimson clad robes before her.
Jezz! Congratulations!" she exclaimed as she clapped her hands together loudly. "
Oh, I just knew you were going to be sorted here! Welcome to the pride!" She threw her arms around the girl to give her a hug. Everything was coming together full circle it seemed.