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Old 01-02-2012, 04:31 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Rose Smith
Third Year
Default *cue the lyrics from wicked...*
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Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
Elliot ignored most of her little speech. Hmph. She was being RUDE. That is, until she threw Elliot's present at her!
"Jayden! How dare you..." and she snatched the present up and slipped it into her pocket. "I'll just keep it for myself!" she cried back, and she crossed her arms on her chest.

And then the jab about her father...Elliot's eyes narrowed, and she gave Jayden one of the ugliest looks she had EVER given ANYONE. She pushed the WRONG button! Elliot didn't scowl, didn't even roll her eyes. Instead, she bore her eyes straight into hers, and stood up. She sat herself on the opposite end of the table, unable to bring herself to look at...them. Stupid Jayden.
"How dare I? How dare you!" Jayden cried from the opposite end of the table. She didn't care who heard. She was absolutely livid.

"You're just a cruel, selfish, unloving person Elliot Morganzo! I hope you're happy! I hope you're happy now! I hope you're happy how you hurt your cause forever! I hope you think you're clever! Because you're not! You're rude.... and crude.... and.... and lude!"
She shrieked, reaching for her wand just in case....

This means war....
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