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Taylor smiled, "Very good heritage." She nodded, "Oh Mother has the same thing in London when she goes to work for the ministry there. She travels constantly to other countries since she is an ambassador." Taylor tilted her head slightly, "Well I have been to England, Ireland, China, Russia, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, India, Italy, Greece and of course Scotland and France." She smiled, "What about you? I know you said you hardly been anywhere but I'm a little curiously." She smiled sweeter than she had been.
Elliot's eyes widened. "Your mother's an ambassador? That's so...
cool," she finished rather lamely, but she was in awe. She then smirked at the girl. "So...you must be pretty wealthy, eh?" she asked, raising both of her eyebrows. Oh, the wealthy people of the world.
Elliot mentally checked off her OWN list...She had been to England, Ireland, russia, Germany...and France and Scotland. Plus Egypt, New York, New Orleans..."Oh, me? I've been to..well, most of those places except anywhere in Asia besides Russia. And I've been to Egypt, actually this summer! And to New York and New Orleans. My favorite has been Egypt..." she said with a smile, remembering her trip there with Presley. It had been very fun!
Originally Posted by
"I can do whatever I dang well please Elliot!" She burst out, her cheeks turning pink with anger. "I am so tired of you telling me what I can and can't say, and what I can and can't do!" She cried, her eyes flashing dangerously and changing to a darker shade of blue, almost black gray.
"You are not a queen Elliot. If you were... you would do what was best for your people and be loyal to your friends and treat them a lot better. I dealt with you last year... I took every blow. But I am not. Having. It. This. Year. You hear me? Not having it!" She growled through gritted teeth before getting up. She then picked up her bag, sifting through it till she found the small present Elliot had given her and slammed it down on the table.
"Here. Here's your pity present. You can have it back!" She hissed, her eyes flashing dangerously as she moved to pick up the rest of her things.
"Caelius. I am moving to the other side of the table. You may come as you so wish. It doesn't matter to me. But I refuse to stay here and be scolded by someone my own age that can barely take care of herself without her father's acceptance."
And with that, she turned on her heel and moved to the other side of the table.
Elliot ignored most of her little speech. Hmph. She was being RUDE. That is, until she threw Elliot's present at her!
"Jayden! How dare you..." and she snatched the present up and slipped it into her pocket.
"I'll just keep it for myself!" she cried back, and she crossed her arms on her chest.
And then the jab about her father...Elliot's eyes narrowed, and she gave Jayden one of the ugliest looks she had EVER given ANYONE. She pushed the WRONG button! Elliot didn't scowl, didn't even roll her eyes. Instead, she bore her eyes straight into hers, and stood up. She sat herself on the opposite end of the table, unable to bring herself to look at...
them. Stupid Jayden.