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Old 01-02-2012, 03:56 AM   #37 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Default Does anyone want a Mo? Hehe.

Mortimer stared dumbfounded up at the ceiling of the Great Hall as he made his way blindly through the crowd to the Ravenclaw table. Yeah. Ravenclaw. Heh. Again, this was something that he had read about and clearly seen pictures of, but no amount of photos and near poetic descriptions could do this place justice. He was entranced by it all, he was.

Reaching the table unscathed he plopped himself down on the bench and took a shy glance around. He didn't see Tasia anywhere... or any of the people he had met yet, either. SIGHS. He propped his chin in his hand and smiled pleasantly around him. He could people watch for a little while. Surely someone would take the lead and come introduce themselves.
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