August just sat there for an awkward moment while the other kid entered the compartment and was instantly greeted by Amelia and Zayden. August hadn't really seend him around much, and definately didn't know his name.
Then Amelia expressed her sympathies for Tori's departure.
"Yeah, her father made her leave. But we are going to write to each other and visit during the summers." he nodded. Taryn was taking it harder than he was though.
Originally Posted by
Sneakeh Cat
At the sound of Addy's voice, he slowly turned his head and came face to face with the horrors once more. "Merlin," he mumbled. Just when you think you got rid of that THING, it comes back. "You can leave it out in the hallway." He politely grinned. "There's no room for the cat in here."
He gasped at what August said now and turned his attention back to the boy. "This will be my second year too!" They had something in common! "... and I'm a seventh year." It sucked that he was just now getting to like Hogwarts and this was going to be his last term. *sigh* "You're a muggleborn? That's pretty nifty. I'm pureblood but my parents own a coffee shop in downtown in Galloway, Scotland so I've grown up around muggles." He understood how unlikely it was for purebloods to know so much but it was only because of his parents work that he knew it.
A thought hit him now. "Do you know Star Wars?" Maybe he met a fellow nerdian!
Glad that Zayden too was put off by the fact that the newcomer had returned the evil cat and told him to leave it outside, August was starting to warm up to the Slytherin.
"Yeah, I had no idea magic really existed until last summer." he chuckled.
"My parents went with me to Diagon Alley the first time and my mother was scared to death by one of the Goblins at Gringott's." he listened about the boy's family owning the coffee shop.
"Oh that's pretty neat! I've never actually crossed over to Scotland before...well apart from Hogwarts and stuff." he nodded. Did he know Star Wars?
"Of course I've heard of Star Wars. My father loves it, he's shown me the movies a few times. They were pretty good." Quote:
Originally Posted by
Ad sighed. Then smiled a little. "Adrianna Charday-Carpenter" she introduced herself.
Nodding politely to the new girl August introduced himself and scooted over so she had a place to sit.
"Hey Adrianna, I'm August Goldstein." He did like meeting new people, made sitting next to random people in lessons less awkward.