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Old 11-23-2004, 10:34 PM
EmmaRiddle EmmaRiddle is offline
Default PoA cast reveal what they'd like to see in HBP and book 7

Veritaserum has a video and tranascript from a Canadian entertainment program which recently aired an interview with Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, David Thewlis, and Tom Felton from the PoA DVD Launch.

The transcript can be read here and the video can be viewed here (just click the link - you must have Windows Media for it to work.)

David Thewlis: "Oh, I wish you could wave a wand and, you know get things done."

Tom Felton: "You could fly on broomsticks, and you'd save pounds on petrol."
Emma Watson: "I love Renee Zellwegger...I don't quite know how we're going to fit Bridget Jones into the Harry Potter plot, that might be pushing it a bit, but she's great."
(3) What would you like to see happen to your characters in the novels?

Rupert Grint: "I wanted to play Quidditch once. Dan said it's really painful. Apparently in the fifth one (OOTP) Ron actually plays Quidditch, so that'll be cool."

Emma Watson: "I'd quite like to see Ron and Hermione together. It's gotta happen. You know, it's there!"

Tom Felton: "Epic battle at the end of the last book. Me and Harry one on one, swords in hand or something. I wouldn't mind going out in a blaze."
Source: The Leaky Cauldron.
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