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She tried to smile. "Uh... Hey everyone."
Kurumi turned her head when she heard someone else enter the compartment and her smile widened. "
Vashti!" Kurumi smiled, still hugging Selina like there was no tomorrow, but offering the seventh year a wave nonetheless. She then spotted the shiny badge on her and her eyes widened more. "
You're Head Girl?! Congratulations!"
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"Hey yourself!" He finished stowing his belongings and was about to seat himself when someone else walked in.
"Welcome, Selina. Have a good holiday? Besides the lack of seeing Kurumi, that is." Or maybe he shouldn't have said that. It seemed to be a bit of a sore subject.
Kurumi giggled and was about to say something when Keefer addressed Selina. Oh dear, he didn't have a reading on Selina and her sense of humor. This was going to be interesting to watch. She best make some popcorn. "
Selina wasn't being serious," she laughed. The pair of them were joined at the hip, even if there was an ocean between the two of them for part of the summer.
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Ohh this girl Kimalia knew, mentally giggling at the memories, "Hey, you're the girl who spat an apple at Evelyn last term and who caught Lola's curler once, right?" then adding. "That was quite bold of you."
And then someone else walked in wearing the Slytherin Quidditch Captain badge. Wait... WHERE WAS LOLA?! Kurumi was supposed to feed that girl cookies because as Queen of the Flobberworms she needed them to survive...or something.
I didn't exactly...do that," Kurumi said, chewing on her bottom lip just a tad. "
She told me to spit it out and I did." See, just like a good house elf, following directions and all that. As for the curler, well, that was currently in her little treasure box back in the dorms filled with Hogwarts memories.