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Eino's eyes widened and he darted back a little. Not on purpose, but as a reflex to decrease the possibility of temporary deafness. "I am." He replied slightly confused as to why she found the need to yell in the first place. Or maybe she wasn't speaking so loudly, and his ear were extra sensitive. Ino had been licking his ears an awful lot lately. "I mean, I AM." He shouted the last two words with the same emphasis he had put on them "am" as he had done last time. He didn't return Ellie's hug because he was too busy containing Ino in her carriage. The cat didn't enjoy sudden movements. It always triggered a fight or flight situation, and she more than often opted for the former, evidence by her hiss and her miserable attempt at clawing the girl from the carriage. "How was your summer?" He inquired, having forgotten all about the shouting and the hugging.
No. She hadn't released him yet.
"Eino, that's fantastic!!!" She squeezed him harder.
Ellie was completely oblivious to the cat, by the way.
NOW she let him go, leaning back, more onto Treyen. She looked at the crushed flower in her hand before answering Eino's question. The flower...it was crushed. Well...now what was she supposed to do with it? She bit her lip pondering this, and glanced back at Treyen to see if he had pockets or something where she could put it.
"Summer was excellent. How was yours?"