I made two more templates. One of them is a timeline template, requested by EmeliaWeasley on the wiki. I wasn't sure what you/she meant, so I just came up with this. Hopefully, it's worth something. Remember to use
SOURCE instead of VISUAL
As always, you can edit whatever is inside the equal signs, and the asterisk makes bullet points, so if you don't want those just remove them.
I also made a template for family trees for Ern, but anyone can use it.
This template thing is very confusing and complicated to work/mess with, but if you feeling particularly techy, then go
HERE to check out how to mess with them. Because all family trees are different, I can't really make a one tree fits all, especially since this coding is tricky to work with.
I also always suggest you PREVIEW before you post. Don't use visual, it will always look messy. Always use source, then preview (button on the right next to publish).
If you desperately want a family tree that fits your family, but you reaaaaaaally can't get around to working the codes, and you're willing to sell your soul, then I will try to make it for you. Can't make any promises, but your soul is mine regardless.