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How could she possibly know what was going on inside his head, eh? It was amazing, truth be told. It was also very much appreciated to have her support in this. All that was occupying his mind at the moment was...the fact that this train ride made it all so final. He will avoid his badge until it was necessary. Like, until he had his robes fully on, or something like that.
Treyen probably had to have his badge pinned to his robes when they were meant to be at the feast.
"Thanks, Kurumi." She was probably aware of why he was thanking her, right? Either way, he smiled. And if Rufus could smile, he'll probably have the same smile as Treyen. So, the little monkey enjoyed to be petted, eh? By pretty girls, at least. That was nice to know.
What wasn't so nice to know was that he could easily leave his side for one of those pretty girls. Yeah, Treyen noticed how Rufus almost took hold of Kurumi's hand...but didn't fully do so. Good. He was staying close to Treyen.
As soon as she started, the new Head Boy felt entirely ridiculous standing there, which is why he took a seat right at the middle, across Kurumi. "That's nice. The traveling bit. It's always fun to do so." At least on his behalf. "Ah, see, that's the one thing I should've done...," studying. He had NEWTs, didn't he?
It was nice knowing that the awkwardness between them had finally left - it had certainly taken long enough. Although, it was still there whenever the Ravenclaw girl was around because Treyen often forgot everyone else was in the room, and that sometimes stung a little. Not that it was jealousy per say, she had just been the person swept under the rug for so long that any feeling that resembled that hurt.
Pushing THESE thoughts under the rug in her mind, Kurumi focused back on their conversation. "
I do enjoy it. I never knew just how big the world was." Which was a very naive thing for a fifth year to say, but it was the truth. "
Certainly makes me rethink going straight into the working world after graduation..." Her hands flew to her mouth. She probably shouldn't talk about graduation around Treyen seeing as...well...this was HIS year to do that. Truth be told, she didn't want to think about it either.
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Keefer poked his head into the compartment, his belongings beside him in the hall. He wasn't entirely sure he was allowed to be there. It was the Prefects' compartment after all, not the Captains' compartment. He quickly spotted Treyen.
"Hey, are Captains allowed in here? I wouldn't want to crash your party." He noticed Kurumi. "Oh, hello again, Kurumi. Long time no talk, eh?" Again with the awkward, in true Keefer style.
Thankfully, someone entered the compartment to end any awkwardness that may have occured from her comment. "
Keefer, hey," she smiled from her seat with a small wave.
As so his question, well, her eyes went to Treyen. Last term Ellie had been in the compartment, so Kurumi supposed it was alright, but she really didn't know. What say you, Head Boy?
But Treyen had resolved the issue and Kurumi gestured around the compartment. There were still a lot of empty seats.