Eagle Eye [⅓ Badger Trio] Felon & Kafka ♥ Gilderoy Lockhart <3 [TEAM 947!]
Distracted. For a moment. As his eyes left Kurumi and went to the person standing at the door. "Hey, Keefer." The young man smiled, and shook his head, "No, no, Captains are welcomed." Like his girlfriend was also welcomed if she wanted to be here, and it wasn't because she was his girlfriend, but because she was a Captain as well.
WAIT! HE MISSED THAT?! "You're the Captain!" Hufflepuffs finally had a MALE Captain, eh? That had to mean something. They were probably going to take the Quidditch Cup this term. Hadley would be proud, no? "Congratulations!" Seriously, he was...extremely glad to know this. Especially since it was someone he was somewhat close to.