Vickers made his way down the narrow corridors, cradling a birdcage in one arm and pulling the pup buggy with the other. He was hoping to find a quiet enough compartment where he could have his pets move about. He could tell they were tired of being cooped up already.
Dolly was bite BITING the bird cage, flapping her wings about, the feathers on her head fluffed up to its full height. She was INCENSED. How could her master possibly put her in this ridiculously ugly cage?!? When she indicated that she wanted to come with him she meant she wanted to fly to wherever he was going. Gah! All the more reasons why she thinks Wizards are stooopid and in dire need of her guidance. Whatever will this hapless bug-eye do without her? Depend on that four-legged drooler for help? Oh please! MacArthur yaaawwwned for the nth time. He was bored, he wanted to stretch his legs. All he's been seeing the past several hours were pants and shoes and this narrow wall that seemed to have no end. He whined a bit as he tried shifting his position. He can walk ya know, he didnt understand why he had to be pulled around in a travel cage.