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Old 12-31-2011, 01:43 AM   #60 (permalink)
MysteriesOfFate's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: New Brunswick,Canada
Posts: 531

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mugwort "Mug" Tanner
First Year
chocolate frog hunter

Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
Dragging his luggage through the corridor , Daichi tried to find a compartment to sit in while trying to keep control of his owl. Ever since he had boarded the train , his owl was sitting on top of his head. Nothing wrong with that because he was used to it. But when the train had started to move, hell broke loose.

Desperately, really desperately trying to find an empty compartment so that the owl wouldn't hurt anyone, Daichi winched in pain as the owl scratched the top of his head. As the owl started to fly around like it was mad, Daichi knew he had to do something before someone got hurt. He quickly opened one of the compartment doors and shoved his luggage inside. He then tried to reach for his owl but he had already flew in to the compartment and he quickly shut the door.


Okay, maybe not... The owl was still flying around in the small compartment like a mad bird and Daichi was so in to his task of catching the bloody owl that he hadn't even noticed there was a small girl sitting there....
Carigan looked up as an older boy had come into the compartment and his owl now flew about the compartment. Hamlet still sat on her shoulder, completely calm, not phased by the crazy owl that had joined them.

Carigan stood up to her full height of four foot nine, much taller than the average ten year old (She was turning 11 in November). The bracelet that she was working hung from the top of her stocking. She held out her hand to the boy "Hello, My name is Carigan Tanner. Would you care for some help with your luggage?" she asked kindly. Her smile making her already tiny eyes into slits.
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